View to the
west-northwest. Clear Creek is just above the lower edge
to the right of the river with Bright Angel Canyon in the
middle distance above it. Phantom Ranch is a short
distance up Bright Angel Canyon, and has been a
destination point for visitors for generations (originally
via mule trips). Nowadays there are far more people that
hike down to the campground and camp out.
The upper left side of the picture shows the
main visitor area on the South Rim with several
observation points visible both to the east and west of
Grand Canyon Village.
The Bright Angel Fault favors erosion along
its trace as it fractures rocks making them easier to
erode. The fault is thus a contributor to Bright Angel
Canyon (right side of the picture) and Garden Canyon,
which drops down from Grand Canyon Village. Fracturing
along and near the fault leads to somewhat less
precipitous cliffs. The Bright Angel Trail takes advantage
of the “somewhat less precipitous cliffs” to descend from
Grand Canyon Village to Phantom Ranch.
to river miles 72 to 80
river miles 88 to 96
the Index Page for the Grand Canyon Tour
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