Geodes and in
particular amethyst geodes are fascinating members of the
quartz-crystal family. Tall purple/violet geodes are usually
called amethyst cathedrals.
picture at the right is another amethyst cathedral in the
author’s “indoor rock garden”. This one was purchased from
geodes_etc. (
- an eBay store) The two amethyst cathedrals now have a
place of honor on the top shelf of an entertainment center.
(Both are nearly two feet tall.)
Geodes are usually formed in “bubbles” and other
cavities in volcanic rock, especially molten rock that has
intruded into other preexisting rock layers. (They can also
form in surface lava flows that are thick enough so that
cooling is slow.) After an intrusion of molten rock is in
place, it gradually cools and hardens. Various minerals
crystallize out at different temperatures so that part of the
intrusion is still liquid while other parts have already
solidified. Molten rock also contains large amounts of
dissolved gases. As the rock cools, these gases come out of
solution and form “bubbles” and cavities in the rock.
Water vapor is a major component of the dissolved
gases. As the rock cools, water vapor gradually condenses to
become very hot water. Hot water can dissolve many minerals
including silicon dioxide. The hot water with its high
concentration of dissolved silicon dioxide is squeezed into
the bubble cavities. As the rock slowly cools, the silicon
dioxide crystallizes to form quartz crystals on the inside
walls of the “bubble”, and gradually starts transforming it
into a geode.
Hot ground water also contributes as it
percolates upward through the rock, and then through cracks in
the geode, to deposit more silicon dioxide in the growing
quartz crystals. The ground water is hottest at lower depths
and then cools as it rises closer to the surface. Cooler water
can not hold as much dissolved material, hence the quartz
crystallizes out. Also, the dissolved gases have to contain
high concentrations of carbon dioxide if quartz crystals are
to form.
Iron is also dissolved by hot water to form iron
oxides. When dissolved iron impurities are present when the
quartz crystals are forming, they produce a purple/violet
color. As crystals grow inward from the edge of a geode, the
silicon dioxide tends to come out of solution first. This
concentrates the dissolved iron in the remaining liquid in the
“bubble”. As the iron solution becomes more concentrated, it
eventually also comes out of solution to be incorporated in
the quartz crystals. Hence the purple/violet color becomes
more intense in the tips of the crystals. Trace amounts of
other impurities may also be present in amethyst geodes, but
the purple/violet color is produced by iron.
The purple/violet color of amethyst crystals is
also sensitive to temperature. Water temperatures must be
between 90 and 250 degrees C. Above 250 degrees the violet
color starts disappearing. At higher temperatures (e.g. 400 to
700 degrees), the iron impurities will produce a
yellow/citrine color. Dealers will sometimes heat an amethyst
geode to this higher temperature to artificially create a
“Citrine” geode.
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