Durango Bill's
Debunking the Deniers of Global Warming
Global Warming Denial
The Ignorance and Dishonesty of the “Fabius
Maximus” Website
fabiusmaximus dot com
Global Warming Deniers claim that Global Warming
is a hoax/fraud/scam.
They lie, they are willfully ignorant, and they are wrong.
The reason that the phrases “Anti-science” and
”Global Warming Deniers” are used is that the “Anti-science
Deniers” ignore demonstrable evidence, and fabricate stories and
“facts” that are not true. This is best illustrated by an example
of the ignorance and dishonesty of a typical Global Warming Denier
fabiusmaximus dot com
In regard to the name of the website, Global Warming
Deniers frequently hide behind pseudonyms and don't reveal their
true identity. (Out of embarrassment?) In this respect, the Fabius
Maximus website is a typical example.
Typical Fabius
Maximus Ignorance and Dishonesty
On Jan. 8, 2015 the Fabius Maximus website ran
another of their Global Warming Denier rants. This time it was a
rerun of their “global warming has paused/stopped” assertion.
fabiusmaximus dot
Characteristically, Global Warming Deniers are
willfully ignorant and/or lie, and the “Editor of the Fabius
Maximus website” appears to be no different. This willful
ignorance and dishonesty was demonstrated by the “Editor’s”
comments following the main article.
The two “PrintScreen” images below are from this webpage.
The first image (below) shows a comment that I posted in regard to
the Fabius Maximus Global Warming Denial rant.
(Click on image for a large vesion.)
The next image (below) shows the follow-up comment by the “Editor
of the Fabius Maximus website”.
(Click on image for a large version)
In particular, notice the “Only slightly” and “The seas have been
rising for thousands of years.” statements by the “Editor of the
Fabius Maximus website”.
“Only Slightly”
Switzerland’s World Glacier Monitoring Service
The graph above shows what is happening to the mass/size of the
world's glaciers.
And how does the “Editor of the Fabius Maximus website” respond to
“the world’s glaciers continue to melt”?
The answer as per the typical GWD’s “Alternate Reality” is: “Only
Here are two Google Earth views illustrating the “Only Slightly”
amount of glacial melting from 2003 to 2011.
The Upsala Glacier is one of the larger outflow
glaciers from the Southern Patagonia Icefield. The two pictures
below were generated by Google Earth. The yellow line was
generated by Google Earth’s distance measuring tool, and is over
two miles long. The small blue squares show where people have
taken photographs.
The picture above shows the Upsala Glacier as of May 11, 2003.
The picture above shows the Upsala Glacier as of Dec.
28, 2011. Icebergs and many smaller ice fragments are floating on
a lake which now occupies the former location of the glacier.
(As of the current (Feb. 11, 2014) Google Earth view, the glacier
has melted back out of view of the area shown in these pictures.)
If Global Warming stopped/paused in 1998 (or whatever date GWDs
want to use), what caused the Upsala Glacier to melt back over 2
miles from 2003 to 2011?
Also please see:
Poll: Young Voters Call Climate Deniers "Ignorant," "Out of
Touch," "Crazy"
“The seas have
been rising for thousands of years.”
The second item of interest is this assertion by the “Editor of
the Fabius Maximus website”:
“The seas have been rising for thousands of years”
The picture above shows Wikipedia's web page
tabulating the historical sea level. The original page can be seen
Instead of “The seas have been rising for thousands
of years”, the actual record shows that sea level had been
remarkable stable for the last 7,000 years - up until the last
century. The earth’s human population had trusted this historical
stability when they assumed there wouldn’t be a problem if they
built cities next to the oceans.
The graph below is from Columbia University's sea
level web page at
(The link is same as I posted in the comments.)
The rate of sea level rise has quintupled in the last
100 years. If you look closely at the graph (or at the more
detailed recent portion of it at
(below)) , current measurements of sea level show readings are
above the recent steepest part of the trend line. The rate of sea
level rise is accelerating.
This acceleration of sea level rise can also be seen
in NOAA's tracking of sea level rise. Their data (which does not
include a Glacial Isostatic Adjustment) up to two years ago showed
the rate of sea level rise at 2.8 mm/yr.
The current NOAA chart at
shows the rate of sea level rise is 2.9 mm/yr. Instead of the rate
of “sea level rise slowed slightly in the past few years”, the
actual observations show that the rate of sea level rise has
Finally, we should take a look at what has been happening to the
earth's temperature as measured by old fashion physical
The temperature record is from NOAA's National Climate Data Center
- NCDC is the world’s largest provider of weather and climate
Data at:
The top of this web page states:
"Global Warming Deniers claim
that Global Warming is a hoax/fraud/scam.
They lie, they are willfully ignorant, and they are wrong."
The purpose of this web page is to provide evidence to show that:
"They lie, they are willfully
ignorant, and they are wrong."
Also, please see:
The “Global Warming Stopped in 1998” Lie
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