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Durango Bill's

Math and Computer Notation

Math, Spreadsheet, and Computer Program Notation used in Calculations

Mathematics Notation
  +     Add the quantity to the left to the quantity on the right
  -     Subtract the quantity on the right from the quantity on the left
  *    Multiply the quantity on the left by the quantity on the right
  /     Divide the quantity on the left by the quantity on the right
  ^    Power function. Raise the quantity on the left to the power of the quantity on the right.
        Example:   2^3 = 8

Spreadsheet Functions
    FACT(N)   Calculate the product of all integers from 1 to N.
        Example:  FACT(5) = 1*2*3*4*5 = 120
    N!  Same as FACT(N)
   COMBIN(N,K)   Calculate the number of ways "K" items can be selected from a set of "N"
        COMBIN(N,K) is equal to: FACT(N) / (FACT(K) * FACT(N-K))
        Example:  COMBIN(7,2) = FACT(7) / (FACT(2) * FACT(5))
                                           = 5040 / (2 * 120)
                                           = 21
Computer Program Notation
   "Variable Name"    A location where the result of calculation is placed
         Example:        NbrHighCards = NbrAces + NbrKings + NbrQueens + NbrJacks;

   =   Perform the calculations to the right of the "=" sign,
                  and then place the result in the variable name to the left of the "=" sign.

   +=  Perform the calculations to the right of the "+=" sign,
                 and add the result to whatever was in the variable name to the left of the "+=" sign.

    -=,  *=,  /=   Same as above for "subtract from", "multiply by", and "divide by".

    = =    Compare the expression on the left with the expression on the right.
              If both are the same, return "TRUE" ("1"), else return "FALSE" ("0").

   &   Bitwise AND   Align the bit expression to the left with the bit expression to the right.
                             If both have a "1" in a given position, put a "1" in the result,
                             else put a "0" in this position in the result.

  VariableName++   Add 1 to whatever number was in "VariableName"

  VariableName--    Subtract 1 from whatever number was in "VariableName"

Web pages within Durango Bill's website that use these math notations

Bingo probabilities and combinatorics

Bridge probabilities and combinatorics

Mega Millions odds and probabilities

Poker probabilities

Powerball odds and probabilities

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