It’s worthwhile to go
back to the day of the event some 5.4 million years ago, and
then go back one day further to see what the situation looked
like. For thousands of individual lurches spread over millions
of years, the
Wasatch had
been rising. Sometimes when the fault(s) would slip, the
Wasatch would rise only a few inches while a big lurch might
add a couple of feet. A few million years earlier the Colorado
only had to erode through the crest of the rising mountains to
continue its path to the west. Over the next few million years
it had to slice a canyon at least 1,000 ft. deep into the
rising mass just to maintain its path. Worse yet, as the range
rose, the distance across the range that it had to erode grew
increasingly wider. By the day before the event, this extra
width extended some fifteen to twenty miles to the
east-southeast of the crest.
The Day Before – Wasatch (Salina) Canyon
On the east side of the breach, the Colorado had
to start digging in the foothills near the present location of
Emigrant Pass (on highway I-70 in Utah) before continuing
westward across the crest of the Wasatch. Today, Salina Creek
opportunistically uses this old breach point. However, it
seems highly probable that the ancestral Colorado River was
the only force capable of carving a path across the rising
mountain range. (See the picture on the
Salina Canyon
page. You can access it via the link on the Image Index
A stream deposit may exist for this old river
course. A map on page 116 “Roadside Geology of Utah” shows a
small “Quaternary” deposit on the east side of Johns Peak at
the 8,400 – 8,600 ft. level about 6 miles southeast of
Emigrant Pass. There are no mountain streams near this
location and Johns Peak (the highest nearby mountain and only
9,500 ft.) does not appear to be high enough to support
Pleistocene glaciers. It is quite possible that this deposit
is a remnant of the former riverbed just before the river
shifted course. (This should be verified by someone familiar
with the area). If we use the maximum current elevation of the
Bidahochi sediments in Arizona as a stable reference point
(estimated at 6,300 ft. above sea level), then this gravel
deposit would also have to be about 6,300 feet above sea level
5.4 million years ago. This yields a further uplift of the
Wasatch of about 2,200 feet since the event. (It should be
noted that 5.4 million years ago the entire Colorado Plateau /
Rocky Mountain area was much lower).
The Day Before – The Flat Valley
To the east of Emigrant Pass a large, flat,
silt-covered valley spread across Utah, bounded by the Rockies
on the east and the Tavaputs Plateau (which had risen 2 to 3
thousand feet above the valley) at the north end. Another
section of the broad valley extended from the north side of
the Tavaputs Plateau northeast into Colorado. South of the
Tavaputs Plateau the valley extended southward across silt
flats into northern Arizona and then across Hopi (Bidahochi)
Lake to near the New Mexico border. It was underlain by an old
flat eroded surface. The surface elevation though out this
area was around 6,300 feet but slightly higher to the east as
this was the source area for sediments.
The Day Before – The San Rafael Swell

The San Rafael Swell
is immediately east of Emigrant Pass. The top of the swell is
relatively flat as would be expected of the old valley floor
before it was covered with silt. However, it is currently
7,000 feet above sea level - which at first seems too high for
the old plain. Clues to its history are provided by Muddy
Creek and the San Rafael Rivers. At the south end of the
swell, Muddy Creek runs topographically uphill over terrain
that would be 6,500 to 7,000 ft. above sea level if recent
canyon erosion were restored. The San Rafael River climbs
topographically to a similar altitude over the north end.
(Other arroyos exhibit similar phenomena.) It is logical to
conclude that 5.4 million years ago, the San Rafael Swell was
500 to1,000 feet less elevated (relative to terrain east of
it) than it is now. If we assume that it has been uplifted in
the interim, then the silt plain could cover it, and the two
streams could subsequently establish their present courses
while ignoring the underlying contours.
The Day Before – The Price River
Further north, the current course of the Price
River also cuts across the San Rafael Swell. Of more interest
it continues east-southeast through the
Cliffs to where it joins the Green River. (If it
followed present topography, the Price would take a much
easier route further south around the Book Cliffs. However,
5.4 million years ago the Book Cliffs hadn’t been exposed
yet.) The Book Cliffs in this area top out at about 6,800
feet. For the Price River to go through this area, the eroded
valley floor plus the silt covering had to be about 6,300 feet
above sea level. Current stream flow of the Green River
through Desolation Canyon implies the area is slowly rising;
thus, the lower elevation in the past seems reasonable. The
Price River, like everything else in the large silt filled
valley, would have meandered almost randomly across the silt
flats. When canyon cutting would subsequently take over, the
river happened to be on top of what would become the Book
Cliffs. Furthermore, it should have had meanders typical of
anything flowing across a silt plain. Thus, when canyon
cutting finally was established, one would expect that the
embedded meanders would still be there. This expectation is
confirmed when one takes a close look at detailed maps of the
The area immediately south of the Book Cliffs
would have had the same flat elevation of 6,300 ft. above sea
level. Currently the area is mostly between 4,500 and 4,700
feet. Any evidence of the ancestral Colorado River’s path
across Utah south of the Book Cliffs along with another 1,500
feet of the valley floor has since been removed by erosion.
The Day Before – Split Mountain and
Canyon of Lodore

There was an extension
of the flat valley extending north from the Tavaputs Plateau.
At the northeast end of this extension one reaches the current
location of
Mountain and the highlands of Dinosaur National Monument.
The Green and Yampa Rivers obviously cut down into this area,
but the mechanics and timing have been somewhat of a mystery.
Topographic maps show the old flat surface is 7,500 to 8,000
feet above sea level in the Dinosaur/Lodore area. This is a
hint as to how the meandering river ended up on top of Split
Mountain and then cut down through it. A logical explanation
is as follows.
Some 10 million years ago, the Dinosaur/Lodore
area was some 1,500 to 2,000 feet lower than at present. (If
it were not, the Wyoming portion of the Green River would have
found an easier exit route either to the east toward the North
Platte River, or to the west toward the Bear River.) A few
miles further to the northeast, the Green River traveled
northwest to southeast through the Browns Park area, which was
stratigraphically 500 to 800 feet higher than it is today. The
Green joined the Yampa near Cross Mountain. (This is about 40
miles east of the current junction). The area was mostly flat
but low hills extended southeastward from the Lodore area
toward the present Dinosaur highlands. Higher elevations of
the Uintas prevailed further to the west. When the silt plain
backed up into this area almost everything was covered by silt
brought in by the Green and Yampa Rivers. These silt deposits
would become the Browns Park Formation. The silt flats
extended eastward up the Yampa Valley to Steamboat Springs,
and buried Cross Mountain, Juniper Mountains, and Signal Butte
in the process.
After the Colorado River overflowed the
Kaibab Plateau 5.4 million years ago, the Green River would
find the westernmost (shortest) possible path to the
southwest. This is now the same course it takes through the
Canyon of Lodore, but 5.4 million years ago it was a flat silt
plain broken by a few low hills.
The paths of these two rivers continued to
meander randomly across the silt flats for a hundred thousand
years or so after the Colorado River overflowed across the
Kaibab. However, as the Colorado began to excavate the Grand
Canyon the exit elevation for the flat valley was lowered thus
allowing canyon cutting to work its way back upstream.
Eventually this would include the Lodore/Dinosaur area. The
two rivers became entrenched as they cut lower into the Browns
Park and old Eocene deposits. The random course that the Green
had set earlier turned out to be directly above Split
Mountain. Canyon cutting was enhanced as the Lodore/Dinosaur
area began rising some 5 million years ago. Finally, the
Browns Park area started to sink, but the Green River was
entrenched by now. Thus it continued its course
south-southwest across the eastern end of the Uintas and
steadily deepened the Canyon of Lodore.
Remnants of all the old geologic landmarks can
still be found. To the northeast of Browns Park, surface rocks
are still the old Eocene deposits. When Browns Park sank, it
took the “back-up” silt down with it. This protected it from
significant further erosion as the Green River was spending
most of its effort carving the Canyon of Lodore. The area east
of the Browns Park / Dinosaur area has also preserved a lot of
the Browns Park silt formation (even though it has had little
change in elevation) as the rising Dinosaur highlands
protected it. The old random wanderings of the Yampa ended up
over portions of Cross and Juniper Mountains, and subsequent
downcutting formed small canyons through them. Also, the
meanders of the Yampa ended up over Signal Butte where they
are now entrenched
On the actual uplifted highlands most (but not
all) of the Browns Park Silt has been eroded away. Finally, to
the south of the Canyon of Lodore, portions of the old flat
valley (before silt back up) can still be found on Diamond
Mountain to the north of Split Mountain, and on Blue Mountain
Plateau to the southeast. (See
Lodore and
The Day Before – The La Sal Mountains

The Colorado River
currently cuts through the northwest edge of the La Sal
Mountains in extreme eastern Utah near the Colorado border.
Based on current topography it would be much easier to get to
the Moab area if the river went somewhat northwest of where it
is now. However, 5.4 million years ago the silt flats covered
the northwest side of the La Sal Mountains and that’s where
the river happened to be when canyon cutting caught up with
it. The area extending northwest from the river’s path in the
La Sal Mountains to the Book Cliffs has subsequently eroded
downward some 1,500 feet. The flat surface across this area is
a result of periodic desert cloudbursts washing away Mancos
Shale until it was eroded down to (or near) the Dakota
The Day Before – Unaweep Canyon
A few dozen miles northeast of the La Sal
Mountains, one finds
Canyon. Today, this is a dry canyon that mysteriously
cuts across the Uncompahgre Plateau; but it is obvious that at
sometime in the past, a large river flowing from
east-northeast to west-southwest cut this canyon. Most of the
action at Unaweep took place before the Grand Canyon event 5.4
million years ago, but it is an interesting story in any case.
When Colorado’s Rabbit Ears Range began rising
about late Oligocene time (also a general uplift across
southern Wyoming), the earlier drainage that had been going
north from Kremmling, Colorado turned west toward Utah. This
gave birth to the Colorado River. The southern portion of the
Uinta Basin also started to rise early in the Miocene, which
forced the new Colorado River to trend west-southwestward.
This west-southwest course extended over what is now the north
end of the Uncompahgre Plateau. The Uncompahgre currently
rises to over 9,000 feet above sea level in the Unaweep area.
Since the Colorado River couldn’t have run uphill, the
Uncompahgre had to be thousands of feet lower during the
Oligocene. (Also, see Roadside Geology of Colorado, page 264.)
The Uncompahgre Plateau then rose thousands
of feet during the Miocene. The Colorado had established its
course and followed the standard canyon cutting routine into
the rising plateau. Subsequently, we know that it abandoned
the canyon, but it takes a bit of detective work to find out
when and why.
First, we note that high point at Unaweep Divide
within Unaweep Canyon is about 7,000 feet above sea level with
both sides sloping very gradually downward. Given that the
downslope to the west is very gradual for the first few miles,
we know the Colorado abandoned this route BEFORE canyon
cutting from the Grand Canyon event had backed up to this
area. (If it hadn’t abandoned this route by then, the river
would have had an easy time slicing down the west side of the
Uncompahgre and there would probably be a much deeper canyon
and another national park here).
Some 15 miles north of Unaweep Canyon, there are
remnants of the old flat valley at the 6,500 to 7,000 foot
level in Glade Park (southwest of Colorado National Monument).
If we compare this elevation with the high saddle point in the
canyon, we note there is only a few hundred feet difference.
Next, we observe that the Dakota Sandstone once
capped the Uncamphagre (it still exists over large areas on
the northeast side) and the next layer up would have been the
easily eroded Mancos Shale. Finally, if we check the axis of
the Uncompahgre Plateau, we note that the strata slopes
downward to the north-northwest.
These observations lead to the following
sequence. The Colorado initially picked this area to cross the
Uncompahgre during the late Oligocene because the plateau was
much lower then. Next, as the plateau rose, the Colorado River
cut Unaweep Canyon. However, as the plateau rose, the easily
eroded Mancos Shale was exposed in areas further to the north.
Ordinary weathering erodes the Mancos Shale and thus the north
end of the Uncompahgre was wearing down as rapidly as the
Colorado could cut down through the canyon. About 10 million
years ago, the Colorado had reached still harder Precambrian
rock in the floor of Unaweep Canyon. Shortly thereafter the
Colorado River found it easier to use the Mancos Shale route
further north. (near its current route) The Gunnison River,
which previously joined the Colorado a short distance east of
the canyon, may have continued through Unaweep for a short
period but then it too turned north.
Shortly after this, the Uncompahgre slowed its
uplift with the Colorado broadening its valley at the north
end to include the Glade Park area. This corresponded to the
flat valley stage that prevailed throughout eastern Utah about
8 million years ago. However, the Uncompahgre would rise a few
hundred feet more while all this was going on, and this was
enough to keep nudging the Colorado a little further north.
Thus most of the silt plain was deposited a little further
After the Grand Canyon event, canyon cutting
would work its way back to this area. The river eroded down
into the older, harder rocks that form the north end of the
Uncompahgre where the meanders became embedded. This is now
the Ruby Canyon section. Meanwhile erosion into lower layers
has exposed Mancos Shale still further north, and this area
has expanded into a flat plain currently used by highway I-70.
The Day Before – Canyonlands National Park

One of the interesting
features in Canyonlands National Park is the Island in the Sky
area. The White Rim Sandstone caps a mesa that stands high
above canyons eroded by the Green River to the west and the
Colorado to the east. The hard sandstone layer protects the
underlying rock, but why is it so flat? The answer is, the
sandstone was near (or possible part of) the old flat surface
of the valley. Canyon cutting during the last 5 million years
has eroded canyons on both sides, but the sandstone continues
to preserve the flat top mesa until side erosion can destroy
it. Thus, the level floor of the old valley is saved as an
“Island in the Sky”. If we continue travelling southwestward
toward Lake Powell, there are still more of these isolated
flat-topped mesas such as the Kaiparowits Plateau, which rises
to over 7,000 feet. These are also remnants of the old valley
floor that topped out at about 6,000 feet 5.4 million years
ago. Since then they have floated upward due to isostatic
rebound as the Colorado, Green, and Dirty Devil Rivers have
eroded nearby sections of the old valley and thus removed
weight that was holding the old surface down.
The Day Before – Escalante, Utah
A short distance east of Escalante, it would seem
that the Escante River should take an easy route to the
southeast. The valley broadens out and rises only some 50 feet
before sloping down to the southeast. Instead, the Escalante
River continues eastward cutting a canyon over 1,000 ft. deep
in the mesa between Antone Flat to the north and Big Flat to
the south. These flats were probably part of the ancient broad
valley that in turn was covered by silt 6 million years ago.
The Escalante River meandered randomly across this old silt
plain, and when canyon cutting backed up into this area, the
river happened to be flowing eastward over the old ridge. The
random wanderings of this old route are still preserved as
entrenched meanders in the canyon.
The Day Before – The San Juan River

There are a couple of
curiosities involving the San Juan River – especially near
Mexican Hat, Utah. If we look at the area today, the
Goosenecks in
the San Juan are a classic example of entrenched
meanders. A photograph of this area is more or less standard
in many geology textbooks. Also, in the same area, the San
Juan River cuts a canyon through the Monument Upwarp leaving
Cedar Mesa to the north and Douglas Mesa to the south. Actual
there was no cut here prior to 5.4 million years ago, and the
two units were simply part of the Monument Upwarp. Curiously,
there are river gravel deposits on the southeast side of
Douglas Mesa several miles from the current river. (Please see
the map on page 62, Roadside Geology of Utah.)
These curiosities fit into the model as follows.
Until about 8 million years ago, the San Juan flowed around
the south side of Douglas Mesa (and the Monument Upwarp)
before turning north to join the Little Colorado in central
Utah. In the process, the San Juan left gravel deposits on the
southeast side of Douglas Mesa. The silt plain that formed to
the east of the rising Wasatch was deep enough to bury all of
present Douglas Mesa including the old gravel deposits. The
San Juan then meandered across this silt plain. Most of the
time it turned north near the eastern end of present-day Lake
Powel. After joining the Little Colorado, the combined river
flowed north to meet the Colorado. After the Grand Canyon
event, canyon cutting would work its way back upstream to the
Mexican Hat area. At that time, the river happened to be over
the southern edge of Cedar Mesa with meanders near Mexican
Hat. Canyon cutting then left Douglas Mesa cut off from Cedar
Mesa and the meanders became entrenched. If you check topo
maps of the Cedar Mesa / Douglas Mesa area, by an “amazing”
coincidence the smoothed contours at the breakpoint between
the two mesas comes out to just under 6,300 feet.
The Day Before – Hopi (Bidahochi) Lake
One of the more recent sedimentary deposits in
eastern Arizona is the Bidahochi Formation (Hopi Lake). The
Bidahochi is a mixture of shallow lake and silt flats deposits
beginning about 16 million years ago. (The former
interpretation of a continuous large lake is no longer valid.)
At one time, there was a theory that an ancestral Colorado
River flowed southeastward into Hopi Lake and continued
southeastward across New Mexico. Then headwall erosion by a
“Pirate Stream” from west to east across the Kaibab Plateau
captured the Colorado to form the Grand Canyon.
There are several flaws in this argument. 1)
Other than the Grand Canyon and its immediate side canyons
there is very little erosion (pirate stream or other) on the
west side of the Kaibab. 2) Sedimentary deposits in the
Bidahochi show no evidence of a former Colorado River. 3) The
Colorado would have had to continue eastward across New Mexico
probably near present day Gallup. There is no evidence of any
such course.
“Headwall erosion” by this hypothesized “pirate
stream” would have to erode backwards from river mile 143 to
mile 65 (east branch of the Butte Fault). This “headwall
erosion” would have to be parallel to contours on the Kaibab
Plateau for most of this route (and actually down slope/strata
between river miles 132 to 122). And after all of this 78 mile
length of “headwall erosion”, it would have to leave a narrow
gap of less than 4 miles between the current outer rims of the
canyon at river mile 141.
Headwall erosion is not capable of doing the
above. There was no “pirate stream”. There was no
(significant) “headwall erosion”. There was no capture of a
Colorado River east of the Kaibab because up until now the
Colorado River had been flowing east to west some 200 miles
further north in Utah.
It is now known the Bidahochi was deposited as
mostly dry silt deposits as part of the ancestral Little
Colorado River system. During the final stage of the Wasatch
backup system, silt and water could enter from the north. At
first, this would include occasional incursions by the San
Juan River, but in the final stages, it also included the
Colorado River. These incursions would help raise the silt and
water levels until equilibrium was reestablished, and then the
Colorado River could go back to its exit across the Wasatch in
The most important information from the Bidahochi
is supplied by the Hopi Buttes Volcanic Field. Volcanic rocks
below 6,300 feet are mostly dikes and sills. Thus, elevations
below 6,300 were below the ground surface. Volcanic rocks
above 6,300 feet are mostly cinder cones and surface lava
flows. These are above ground phenomena. The Hopi Butte
Volcanic field was still active 5 to 6 million years ago.
Thus, these eruptions supply precise dates to the sequence.
When we put all this together, it tells us that 5 to 6 million
years ago, the surface area here (which is not far from the
Kaibab overflow area) was about 6,300 feet above sea level at
the critical time period for the “Grand Canyon Event”.
(Picture updated May 23, 2009, text added 11/2/05)
The picture above was generated by Google Earth
and is centered on 6,400+ ft. high Bobcat Butte in the Hopi
Butte Volcanic Field. (The Hopi Butte Volcanic Field is some
30 to 50 miles NE of Winslow, AZ) A dike in this butte has
been dated at 6.62 +/-0.14 MYA with the following description:
“basalt dike cutting all units at Bobcat Butte, including
lakebeds at top of the butte” (Details in the geochronology
tables at GCS2000). It tells us that shortly before the
“overflow event” (5.4 MYA) that the flat “Hopi Lake” playa
existed at an elevation of slightly under 6,4000 ft.
(end of 11/2/05 addition)
As a side note, Charles Hunt found gravel
deposits east of the Kaibab Plateau area that he interpreted
as originating in the San Juan Mountains and brought to the
area by the ancestral San Juan River. It is likely the
temporary resupply episodes by the San Juan were the source of
this gravel.
The Day Before – The Kaibab Plateau

Probably the most
perplexing question of the entire Colorado River system
is: How did the Colorado River find a path across the
Kaibab Plateau?
If we look at today’s elevations, the South Rim at the Grand
Canyon is over 7,400 feet high and the North Rim is over 8,000
feet. If Hopi Lake and the Wasatch backup system were going to
find a spot to overflow, surely there must have been some
easier location.
For example based on current elevations above sea level:
1) Around the north side of the Kaibab Plateau – 5,635 ft.
2) Around the south side of the Kaibab Plateau – 6,490 ft.
3) South over the Mogollon Rim near Show Low – 6,605 ft.
4) Southeast through the San Juan Basin – 6,680 ft.
5) North from Craig, CO to Wamsutter, WY- 6,740 ft.
6) East from Rock Springs, WY – 6,940 ft.
The problem becomes much easier if we can find
evidence that the Kaibab was significantly lower 5.4 million
years ago. In fact, there seems to be a pretty good argument
that it was about 1,400 feet lower at the time of the Grand
Canyon event. Additional historical coverage of the Kaibab is
covered in the appendix, but this recent uplift is required if
this model is to be valid. Thus, we will review the most
important evidence here.
If the Kaibab has risen some 1,400 feet in the
last 5.4 million years, it is quite possible the uplift is
still in progress – and this means earthquakes. There have
been five earthquakes of magnitude 5 or higher since 1900
along a line stretching from northeast of Flagstaff to
Freedonia. (Beus and Morales) (This is not as active as
California’s San Andreas belt, but it is a lot more
interesting than Kansas.) By itself, this doesn’t prove much,
but it is a hint of some kind of activity.
Additionally, the surface of the Kaibab Plateau
resembles a smooth north-south dome. If it had been uplifted
to its present height a long time ago, there should be
significant gully-type erosion into this dome. Except for the
Grand Canyon (and another arroyo canyon at the north end –
discussed in the appendix), topographic maps show that there
is little surface erosion. It appears that until recently, the
Kaibab Plateau was only somewhat elevated (but flatter), and
protected from erosion by a thin veneer of Triassic sediments
(most likely the Shinarump Conglomerate).
The smoking gun for recent uplift of the
Kaibab is provided by Kanab Creek. Kanab Creek flows southward
from Fredonia, Arizona and joins the Colorado River in Grand
Canyon National Park. The history of river drainage west of
the Kaibab Plateau indicates stream flow was south to north
until early Miocene time. Hence, Kanab Creek (actually its
Hualapai drainage ancestor) didn’t exist until at least early
Miocene time. By about 12 million years ago, it had evolved
into its present path. Since the river flows southward from
Fredonia, this route must have been downhill 12 million years
When Kanab Creek goes through Fredonia, it is
crossing a flat plain about 4,700 feet above sea level. As the
creek flows southward, it cuts a canyon through “flatish”
plateau country. If we smooth out the contour lines of this
plateau country as we proceed southward toward the Colorado
River, we can get an idea of what it would be like if Kanab
Creek weren’t here. Most interestingly, the “flatish” plateau
rises to 5,900 feet above sea level. If Kanab Creek were to
try to establish its course today, it would have to go uphill
1,200 feet to get to the Colorado. The creek had to be going
downhill when it established its course. It is likely this
downhill amounted to about 200 feet or so when the creek
established its course about 15 million years ago. Thus the
1,200 + 200 = 1,400 foot gain in the height of the “flatish”
plateau has to represent local uplift AFTER Kanab Creek
established its course.
If this local uplift occurred before the Colorado
joined Kanab Creek, then it is likely that both rivers would
have followed today’s topography and turned northwest toward
the Virgin River as the terrain is all downhill in this
direction. Since this did not occur, we know that the local
uplift occurred after the Colorado River reached the west side
of the Kaibab Plateau some 5.4 million years ago. (We are also
assuming that this local uplift extended 25 miles to the east
to include the crest of the Kaibab. Topo maps show a westward
bowing of contour lines from the crest of the Kaibab to
include the Kanab Creek junction area. All of this suggests
the whole area was uplifted as a unit.)
A complication arises as this gives an implied
elevation of the junction area of 4,500 feet when all this
took place 5.4 million years ago. If we check current
topographic maps, we find that further west the Colorado River
has cut through plateaus that exceed 6,000 feet. The
resolution to this problem will be presented later.

At this point let’s
examine what the Kaibab Plateau’s portion of the Grand Canyon
looked like 5.4 million years ago. First, draw a line from the
high point on the north rim to a high point on the south rim.
(North Rim Kaibab Limestone to South Rim Kaibab Limestone.)
Then, use this line to interpolate today’s elevation of the
Kaibab Limestone above the deepest part of the gorge. The
resulting calculation extrapolates to 7,700 feet above sea
level at a point directly over the river. If we subtract 1,400
feet of uplift we get an elevation of 6,300 on the day before
the event. This was the high saddle point of the old
paleocanyon left by the ancestral Little Colorado River when
it flowed through here earlier in the Cenozoic. The floor of
this old canyon was the Kaibab Limestone. The sides consisted
of remnants of the old Moenkopi, which in turn was protected
by a Shinarump Conglomerate cap. The old canyon occupied the
exact path the Colorado River takes today as it crosses the
Kaibab. (Note: A slight variation of this sequence is
possible. This scenario would involve a little less recent
uplift combined with the old canyon eroded a little deeper
into the Kaibab Limestone.)
On the east side of this old canyon, the Hopi
Lake/Bidahochi sediment system had been creeping higher for
millions of years. Each time the Wasatch would ratchet a
little higher, the lake/sediment system would also have to
rise to reestablish equilibrium. On this day before the event,
it was within a few inches of the high saddle point of the old