// This program counts the number of
solutions to the 33 hole peg solitaire
// game. The user may enter any starting position for
the initial hole and
// also any position for the final peg.
// The program uses a "breadth first" search
// For each of 31 moves/rounds, the
algorithm starts with a known number of
// possible positions that can be reached in
a known number of moves,
// and then finds all possible positions
that can be reached in all
// possible moves on the next move/round.
// Positions on the peg board are defined as
0 1 2
Initially pegs
3 4 5
exist in all holes
6 7 8 9 10 11 12
except the user's choice for the
// 13 14 15 16
17 18 19 start hole which
is empty.
// 20 21 22 23
24 25 26
27 28 29
30 31 32
// The number "ARRAY_MAX" defines the amount
of array space (and RAM) that the
// program uses. (Major arrays use (17 *
ARRAY_MAX + 8 * 2^25) bytes of RAM).
#include <stdheaders.h>
// The usual stdio.h, etc.
#define ARRAY_MAX 56000000
Maximum number of elements in the
// "positions" data arrays.
#define ONEBILLION 1000000000
// Define procedures.
// Initialize system. Get user data.
// Change peg positions to bit patterns.
// Change bit patterns to peg positions.
// Find & recognize board/peg patterns.
// Output Dead-End data.
void CommaNbr(char
// Put commas in numbers.
// Pause the program
// For data storage, the
33 holes of the peg board are condensed to a "33
// digit" binary number
where a "1" indicates that a peg is present and a
// "0" indicates no peg
at the position. The "33 digit" binary number is
// split into two
components - a "Left8bits" and a "Right25bits". The
// "Right25bits" portion
is used as a hash index for data storage.
unsigned Left8bits,
// Bits represent the holes in the board.
// All peg board
positions (and relevant data) are stored in the positions
// arrays. Each board
position that shares a common "Right25bits" is
// connected in a common
link list where "Right25bits" is used as an index
// into "NewHeads[]"
and/or "OldHeads[]".
// For each board
// 1) Left8[] has the
remaining 8 bits of the board position
// 2) NextLink[] contains
the index ptr to the next "position" in the chain
// that shares the same Right25bits.
// 3) NbrCombHigh[] +
NgrCombLow[] is the number of potential move
// combinations that can reach this
unsigned char Left8[ARRAY_MAX];
unsigned NextLink[ARRAY_MAX];
long long NbrCombHigh[ARRAY_MAX];
// NbrComb is split into two sections
unsigned NbrCombLow[ARRAY_MAX];
unsigned OldHeads[33554436];
// Use Right25bits
as an index to positions
unsigned NewHeads[33554436];
// Equals 2^25 and
// For each of the 32
rounds, the link heads at NewHeads[] are copied to
// OldHeads[] with
NewHeads[] initialized to zero. Thus OldHeads[] is used
// to find board
positions as of "last round" while NewHeads[] is used to
// generate and index new
board positions on the following round. Note,
// the last of the "32"
rounds is a dummy as the game stops after 31 moves.
// After the program has
been initialized there is one record/position in
// the above arrays that
represents the starting position. On each of the
// subsequent 32 rounds
of trial jumps, all "old" (current board) positions
// are used to generate
all possible "new" positions for the next round.
// After an "old"
position is no longer needed, its space is overwritten
// by "new" positions.
The practice of overwriting "old" positions with
// "new" positions saves
array space as compared to maintaining separate
// "old" and "new"
positions arrays. The allocation of elements in these
// arrays is managed by a
master link list.)
unsigned BoardPos[36];
Count board positions this round
long long DeadEndsHigh[36];
// Number of dead
ends each round. Total
unsigned DeadEndsLow[36];
// equals total possible
games. Note:
// A Dead End in round "N" is tabulated in
// index position "N + 1"
unsigned PosAvail;
// Pts. to next available pos. in master
// For 32 rounds of
possible jumps (Last iteration just counts final dead ends)
// For each of the
"old" positions (includes total moves to get to these pos.)
// Try
all possible next moves (There are 76 possible moves subject
to peg pos.)
Each time a move can be made, update the "new" data in the
// Repeat for all
old records/positions.
// Repeat for all 32
rounds of possible jumps
// The 76 possible jump
moves are defined by the From[], Over[], and To[] arrays.
int From[] = {0, 0, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 5, 5, 6, 6, 7, 7, 8, 8,
8, 8,
9, 9, 9, 9, 10, 10, 10, 10, 11, 11, 12, 12,
13, 14, 15, 15, 15, 15,
16, 16, 16, 16, 17, 17, 17, 17, 18, 19, 20,
20, 21, 21,
22, 22, 22, 22, 23, 23, 23, 23, 24, 24, 24,
24, 25, 25,
26, 26, 27, 27, 28, 29, 29, 30, 30, 31, 32,
int Over[] = {1, 3, 4, 1, 5, 4, 8, 9, 4, 10, 7, 13, 8, 14, 3,
7, 9, 15,
4, 8, 10, 16, 5, 9, 11, 17, 10, 18, 11, 19,
14, 15, 8, 14, 16, 22,
9, 15, 17, 23, 10, 16, 18, 24, 17, 18, 13,
21, 14, 22,
15, 21, 23, 27, 16, 22, 24, 28, 17, 23, 25,
29, 18, 24,
19, 25, 22, 28, 23, 24, 28, 27, 31, 28, 29,
int To[] = {2, 8, 9, 0, 10, 5, 15, 16, 3, 17, 8, 20, 9, 21, 0,
6, 10, 22,
1, 7, 11, 23, 2, 8, 12, 24, 9, 25, 10, 26,
15, 16, 3, 13, 17, 27,
4, 14, 18, 28, 5, 15, 19, 29, 16, 17, 6,
22, 7, 23,
8, 20, 24, 30, 9, 21, 25, 31, 10, 22, 26,
32, 11, 23,
12, 24, 15, 29, 16, 17, 27, 22, 32, 23, 24,
// Holes that are
occupied by pegs.
int PegPos[36];
// Occupied = 1, empty = 0
char DataBuff[60];
// Used for user input
// Both are
used for putting commas in numbers
int StartHole, SolPeg;
// Start
and end conditions
int AvailUsed, MaxCombUsed;
// Status for max
used pos in NbrComb[]
int main(void) {
int round, i, OldRecLoc, TrialMove, NewRecLoc, SaveLoc;
int DeadEndFlag;
unsigned PosCount;
Counts board positions each round
long long NbrWinsHigh;
unsigned NbrWinsLow;
double StartTime, ElapsedTime;
// Initialize system
StartTime = (double) clock() / CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
NbrWinsHigh = 0L;
NbrWinsLow = 0;
for (round = 1; round <= 32; round++) { //
Loop for 32 trial rounds. Last
// round just counts
final dead ends
MaxCombUsed = 0;
// Track max elements
used in NbrComb[]
PosCount = 0;
// Count
number of positions each round
for (i = 33554431; i >= 0; i--)
{ // Copy link heads from the
"new" positions
OldHeads[i] =
// to the old positions and set up the "new"
NewHeads[i] = 0;
// link heads for the new positions
for (i = 0; i <= 33554431; i++)
{ // For all link heads
// If old records exist,
then process the
OldRecLoc =
// entire link list.
while (OldRecLoc) {
Right25bits =
// Set up the board
position for this old record
Left8bits =
if (round == 32)
// Output board info for all
single hole pos.
printf("\nOn the
last round a single peg can exist at hole:");
for (DeadEndFlag
= 0; DeadEndFlag <= 32; DeadEndFlag ++) {
printf(" %d", DeadEndFlag);
sprintf(DataBuff, "%Ld", NbrCombHigh[OldRecLoc]);
sprintf(CommaBuff, "%u", NbrCombLow[OldRecLoc]);
printf("\nNumber of ways to win at this position = %s
E+9 + %s\n",
DeadEndFlag =
// Try all 76 possible
moves for this position
for (TrialMove = 0;
TrialMove < 76; TrialMove++) {
(!PegPos[From[TrialMove]]) // If no
peg at hole...
// try next trial move
(!PegPos[Over[TrialMove]]) // If no
peg to jump over
// try next trial move
// If jump to loc. is occupied...
// try next trial move
DeadEndFlag =
// If to here, a valid move has
been found
PegPos[From[TrialMove]] = 0; //
Update board for this new position
PegPos[Over[TrialMove]] = 0;
PegPos[To[TrialMove]] = 1;
// Get Left8bits & Right25bits for this position
NewRecLoc =
SearchPos(); // See
if this position has been seen before
if (NewRecLoc)
// If record exists then just update
NbrCombHigh[NewRecLoc] += NbrCombHigh[OldRecLoc];
NbrCombLow[NewRecLoc] += NbrCombLow[OldRecLoc];
(NbrCombLow[NewRecLoc] >= ONEBILLION) {
NbrCombLow[NewRecLoc] -= ONEBILLION;
// Else start a new
// Use another record
(AvailUsed > MaxCombUsed) // Keep
track of max for overflow warning
MaxCombUsed = AvailUsed;
NewRecLoc = PosAvail;
// Location for this new record
(!NewRecLoc) {
puts("Position arrays are overflowing. Program will
PosAvail = NextLink[NewRecLoc]; // Master
list is updated
// Insert in
link list for this Right25bits
NextLink[NewRecLoc] = NewHeads[Right25bits];
NewHeads[Right25bits] = NewRecLoc;
Init rest of data for this new record
Left8[NewRecLoc] = Left8bits;
NbrCombHigh[NewRecLoc] = NbrCombHigh[OldRecLoc];
NbrCombLow[NewRecLoc] = NbrCombLow[OldRecLoc];
if ((round == 31)
&& (PegPos[SolPeg])) {
NbrWinsHigh += NbrCombHigh[OldRecLoc];
NbrWinsLow += NbrCombLow[OldRecLoc];
(NbrWinsLow >= ONEBILLION) {
PegPos[From[TrialMove]] = 1;
// Restore board position
PegPos[Over[TrialMove]] = 1;
PegPos[To[TrialMove]] = 0;
// End
TrialMove loop
if (DeadEndFlag)
// If no moves
were found
DeadEndsHigh[round] += NbrCombHigh[OldRecLoc];
DeadEndsLow[round] += NbrCombLow[OldRecLoc];
(DeadEndsLow[round] >= ONEBILLION) {
DeadEndsLow[round] -= ONEBILLION;
DeadEndsHigh[round] += 1.0;
SaveLoc =
Return the space of this
// old record to
OldRecLoc =
NextLink[OldRecLoc]; // Set up for
next old record
NextLink[SaveLoc] =
PosAvail; //
Restore to available list
PosAvail = SaveLoc;
// Subtract one from number of
records used
End of records for OldHeads[i]
// End of all old
records for this round
BoardPos[round] =
// Total board positions
seen this round
sprintf(DataBuff, "%u", BoardPos[round]);
printf("\nOn round %d found %s peg
patterns\n", round, DataBuff);
sprintf(DataBuff, "%u", MaxCombUsed);
printf(" Largest
number of records in NbrComb[] was %s\n", DataBuff);
sprintf(DataBuff, "%u", ARRAY_MAX);
printf(" Overflow
if >= %s\n", DataBuff);
if(round > 30)
ElapsedTime = (double) clock() / CLOCKS_PER_SEC -
printf("\nElapsed time = %g seconds\n", ElapsedTime);
printf("\n\nResults for starting hole = %d and
ending hole %d\n", StartHole, SolPeg);
sprintf(DataBuff, "%Ld", NbrWinsHigh);
sprintf(CommaBuff, "%u", NbrWinsLow);
printf("Total solutions found = %s E+9 + %s\n\n",
DataBuff, CommaBuff);
Output results for individual rounds
// End of program
void InitSys(void) {
int i, j;
puts("\nEnter number of hole for initial space (0 -
StartHole = atoi(DataBuff);
puts("Enter number of hole for final peg (0 - 32)");
SolPeg = atoi(DataBuff);
for (i = 0; i <= 32; i++)
// Set
up start position
PegPos[i] = 1;
PegPos[StartHole] = 0;
// Get bit patterns
for start position
// Sets up "Left8bits" and
for (i = ARRAY_MAX - 2, j = i + 1; i; i--, j--)
NextLink[i] = j;
// Set
up link list of available elements
NewHeads[Right25bits] = 1;
Location for start position
Left8[1] = Left8bits;
// Rest of bit pattern
for start position
NextLink[1] = 0;
// End of this link list
NbrCombHigh[1] = 0L;
NbrCombLow[1] = 1;
Default of 1.
PosAvail = 2;
// Start of available new
AvailUsed = 1;
// One record position has been used
// Note: system initialization sets everything
else to zero before
// this routine is called.
// This routine translates the occupied
positions of the board's 33 holes
// into two numbers "Left8bits" and "Right25
void Pegs2bits(void) {
unsigned LeftBits, RightBits;
int i;
LeftBits = 0;
RightBits = 0;
for (i = 32; i > 24; i--) {
// Process most significant
LeftBits <<= 1;
// bits. Make room for next
LeftBits += PegPos[i];
for (i = 24; i >= 0; i--) {
// Then least
significant bits.
RightBits <<= 1;
RightBits += PegPos[i];
Left8bits = LeftBits;
// The most significant 8 bits
Right25bits = RightBits;
// The least significant 25 bits
// This routine uses the 2 variables
"Left8bits" and "Right25bits"
// to set up a valid board position in
void Bits2pegs(void) {
unsigned LeftBits, RightBits;
int i;
LeftBits = Left8bits;
RightBits = Right25bits;
for (i = 0; i <= 24; i++) {
// Process least significant
PegPos[i] = (RightBits & 1);
// bits.
RightBits >>= 1;
// Next bit into position
for (i = 25; i <= 32; i++) {
// Then most sig. bits.
PegPos[i] = (LeftBits & 1);
LeftBits >>= 1;
// Next bit into position
// This routine checks the position arrays
to see if the "new" pattern
// represented by "Left8bits", "Right25bits"
has been encountered before.
// If the pattern is already in the arrays,
then the index for its location
// is returned, else 0 is returned.
unsigned SearchPos(void) {
unsigned RecLoc;
// The lowest 25 bits of
each board pattern are used as an index
// to a link list whose
remaining 8 bits are stored in Left8[].
// Search until either a
match is found or
// there are no more
patterns in the link list.
for (RecLoc = NewHeads[Right25bits]; RecLoc; RecLoc =
if (Left8[RecLoc] == Left8bits)
// "break" executes if found
// Else keep looking.
// Returns either
found location
return (RecLoc);
// or "0" if not found.
// At the end of all the iterations output
the number of dead ends and
// total board positions seen on each round.
void BoardTotals(void) {
int i, j;
unsigned TotPos;
long long TotDeadEndsHigh;
unsigned TotDeadEndsLow;
BoardPos[0] = 1;
Starting position
TotPos = 0;
TotDeadEndsHigh = 0L;
TotDeadEndsLow = 0;
for (i = 0, j = 1; i <= 31; i++, j++) {
TotPos += BoardPos[i];
// Get grand totals
TotDeadEndsHigh += DeadEndsHigh[j];
TotDeadEndsLow += DeadEndsLow[j];
if (TotDeadEndsLow >= ONEBILLION) {
TotDeadEndsLow -= ONEBILLION;
sprintf(DataBuff, "%Ld", DeadEndsHigh[j]);
sprintf(CommaBuff, "%d", DeadEndsLow[j]);
printf("There are %15s E9
+ %12s deadend combinations on move %d\n",
CommaBuff, i);
sprintf(DataBuff, "%d", TotPos);
printf("\nTotal board positions for the game = %s\n",
sprintf(DataBuff, "%Ld", TotDeadEndsHigh);
sprintf(CommaBuff, "%d", TotDeadEndsLow);
printf("Total possible games = %s E9 + %s\n\n",
DataBuff, CommaBuff);
// This routine places positional commas in
the ASCI number that is in the
// array pointed to by the passed parameter. The number
may optionally be
// preceded by a "-" sign and may optionally have
trailing decimal digits.
// It is assumed that the array has at least 40
void CommaNbr( char *TheArray) {
int FirstDigitLoc, LastDigitLoc, i, j, k,DigitCount;
if (TheArray[0] == '-')
FirstDigitLoc = 1;
FirstDigitLoc = 0;
i = FirstDigitLoc;
// Get location of last digit
LastDigitLoc = i - 1;
// For all digits in the number
for (i = LastDigitLoc, DigitCount = 1; i >
FirstDigitLoc; i--, DigitCount++) {
if (!(DigitCount%3 )) {
// If comma should go here,
for (j = 35, k = 36; j >= i; j--,
k--) // Move everything to the
right one space
TheArray[k] =
TheArray[i] = ',';
Misc. Functions
void PauseMsg(void) {
puts("\nPress \"Enter\" to continue\n");
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