Durango Bill’s
Debunking the Deniers of Global Warming
“The Great Global
Warming Swindle” is itself a Fraud and a Swindle
Bill Butler
“The Great Global Warming Swindle” (DVD/video/movie)
is a pseudo-documentary in which British television producer
Martin Durkin has fraudulently misrepresented both the data
involved and scientists who have researched global climate. Movie
director Durkin has willfully misrepresented the facts about
global warming just to advocate his own agenda. The program was
originally aired on England’s “Channel 4” (The “Supermarket
Tabloid” of the airwaves). In the past, “Channel 4” has had to
broadcast a prime-time apology for broadcasting another of Martin
Durkin’s “sleazebag” pseudo-documentaries.
“The Great Global Warming Swindle” is aimed at and
appeals to the “Don’t bother me with the facts - I’ve already made
up my mind” audience. There may be future media presentations by
those who wish to promote ignorant political viewpoints instead of
presenting factual knowledge. (Or possibly, the individuals
involved have never passed a high school science course and don’t
understand that there is a difference.)
Martin Durkin’s
operandi for the various versions of the DVD/video/movie
appears to be:
1) I want to propagandize my anti-environment, anti-global warming
2) What kind of wild stories, manufactured “evidence”, etc. can I
include this time to provide political fodder for the
scientifically illiterate dimwits?
The one cardinal rule in science is that you do not
misrepresent the data. But this is what the producer of this
pseudo-documentary has done to try to promote his own opinions.
The picture-pairs that follow are Print Screen images
from the video version of the pseudo-documentary vs. the factual
data. At one time Google had a copy of the video at
. All references refer to this Google “Wag TV” video version
although it appears that it is no longer available at this link.
There may be another slightly shorter version at:
Please search the Internet for other versions if this shorter
version also disappears.
Viewers are encouraged to compare each of the
picture-pairs below and draw their own conclusions as to whether
the pseudo-documentary is based on factual data, or if the
pseudo-documentary falsifies the data as part of an
anti-environmental campaign. (See the 2nd half of the
pseudo-documentary for the anti-environmental campaign.)
The Actual Recent
Temperature Record
This first pair of pictures compares the
partial temperature record as presented in “The
Great Global Warming Swindle” vs. the actual observations as shown
at NASA’s Goddard Institute for Space Studies.
The vertical bars at the right are the
pseudo-documentary’s assertion that most of the recent rise in
global temperatures occurred before 1940. The exact words from the
pseudo-documentary are:
“Most of the rise in temperature occurred before 1940.” (About 14
min. 20 sec. into the presentation.)
Please take a close look at the right-hand portion of the graph.
The picture below shows the actual changes in the
world’s temperature as presented by NASA’s Goddard Institute for
Space Studies.
Again please take a close look at the right-hand
portion of the graph. The pseudo-documentary version of the
temperature graph omits the last 20 years of data. (And “fluffed”
the graph to disguise this omission.) The rapid increase in world
temperatures over the last 20 years has paralleled the rapid rise
in carbon dioxide concentrations. However, the pseudo-documentary
does not include this data. (Note: The slight cooling that took
place from 1940 to the 1960’s was caused by increasing sulfates in
the atmosphere - see
The director of the pseudo-documentary has willfully
omitted this most recent data because it would disprove the
personal agenda that he is trying to promote. When anyone
misrepresents real data to try to present a personal agenda, what
he is doing is flat out
As defined by “Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary of Law” at
“fraud - specifically : a misrepresentation or
concealment with reference to some fact material to a
transaction that is made with knowledge of its falsity or in
reckless disregard of its truth or falsity and with the intent
to deceive another”
The GISS climate database is shown in the above
chart. GISS is used as it covers the entire earth’s surface. Some
of the Global Warming Deniers claim that GISS is not
representative. The graph below shows the temperature records from
all four of the major climate databases. (NASA/GISS, NOAA/NCDC,
HadleyCRU, and JMA (Japan Meteorological Agency)) All four show
similar temperature patterns including sharp warming in recent
Note: After the relatively cooler year seen in 2008, temperature
anomalies for 2009 are right back up near the record highs seen
earlier this decade.
The “Global
Cooling” Assertions
And what do the purveyors of the “Global Warming
Denial Machine” say when you show them that the climate is
warming? The following story, posted at DailyTech.com on Feb. 26,
2008, is typical. (Note the date.)
In reality 2008 showed a temperature anomaly of +0.54
degrees C.
This makes 2008 the 9th warmest year in history. (2005 is the
record warmest year with 2007 the 2nd warmest. - Please refer to
the above graph.)
Joe Bastardi
The “Global Cooling” assertion by the “Global Warming
Deniers” even extends to people who should know better. For
example, Accuweather’s Joe Bastardi has been claiming for years
that the climate is cooling. In 2005 he said:
“A weather expert says December
2005 is on pace to become one of the 10 coldest in more than 100
years, despite claims at a global conference on climate change
this week that the Earth is getting warmer.
Joe Bastardi, senior meteorologist with Accuweather.com, says
present weather patterns across the country show below-normal
temperatures in the single digits, with still colder air
forecast in the coming weeks.
All told, he said, "the current look and pace may bring December
2005 in as a top 10 month for cold Decembers nationwide since
the late 1800s."”
In practice, Dec. 2005 turned out to be the 2nd warmest December
on record (up through 2005).
Bastardi: “CO2 cannot cause global warming. . . So it cannot -- it
literally cannot cause global warming.” This and other Bastardi
bloopers at:
Does the phrase “Out of touch
with reality” come to mind?
As the credit card ad says: “Priceless”
Joe Bastardi also appears to be guilty of
unprofessional conduct in that his Global Warming Denial is part
of a political agenda. For example, there is a chart that shows
“Global Cooling” some 80 to 95 seconds into a Joe Bastardi video
that can be seen at
( A close-up of the chart can be seen at
link )
Note that the source of the chart (as seen in the close-up) is
The chart itself has several faults:
1) The source of the “data” is left as a mystery.
2) The time period of 1998 to present is much too short to be
3) The starting year of 1998 is about a blatant example of “cherry
picking” as you are ever going to get.
Additional info about the chart’s origin and misrepresentations
including “Not just wrong, fake.” can be found at:
For what it’s worth, Christopher Monckton and
everything he asserts is thoroughly debunked at “
Scientist Replies to Christopher Monckton”. The slide show
includes a debunking of Monckton’s graph(s). (More below.)
The actual label on the graph is
“www.scienceandpublicpolicy.org”. “Science and Public Policy”
is basically a one-man operation run by a long-time Republican
staffer named Robert Ferguson.
The following information about Robert Ferguson and the Science
and Public Policy Global Cooling graph can be seen at:
“Notes on the Science and Public
Policy Global Cooling graph.
(Run by Robert Ferguson)
The Science and Public Policy Institute (SPPI) was founded by a
long-time Republican staffer named Robert Ferguson. According to
the SPPI website, Ferguson "has 26 years of Capitol Hill
experience, having worked in both the House and Senate. He
served in the House Republican Study Committee, the Senate
Republican Policy Committee; as Chief of Staff to Congressman
Jack Fields (R-TX) from 1981-1997, Chief of Staff to
Congressman John E. Peterson (R-PA) from 1997-2002 and Chief of
Staff to Congressman Rick Renzi (R-AZ) in 2002.
Until recently, Ferguson worked for an oil-industry funded think
tank called Frontiers of Freedom. The Frontiers of Freedom are
one of the most active groups in the attack on climate science
and have received over $1 million in grants from oil giant
As for Joe Bastardi’s (not factual) “knowledge” of past climates,
on multiple occasions he has stated:
Vikings were raising grapes on the north coast in Newfoundland.”
In reality, the only known Viking settlement in North
American was at “L'Anse aux Meadows”, and this was used as a
staging ground for expeditions that extended as far south as Nova
L'Anse aux Meadows site is not Vínland.”
L'Anse aux Meadows is not Vinland”
Bastardi’s claim that it was warm enough 1,000 years ago to grow
grapes in northern Newfoundland is simply an arrogant fantasy.
Also, please see: “
Meteorological Malpractice:
Accuweather’s Joe Bastardi pushes the “
Ice Age Scare” myth again”
“Accuweather’s meteorologist Joe Bastardi likes to push
anti-science global cooling conspiracy theories”
Some of the Global Warming Deniers “cherry pick” a
short time period from the HadCRUT 3V database to claim that the
world has been cooling since 1998. This is willfully misleading
for several reasons.
1) The short time period is not representative.
2) The starting date is obvious “cherry picking”.
3) HadCRUT 3V does not include the Arctic Ocean/North Pole area.
GISS does include the Arctic. GISS is a better database as it
includes a larger area. Warming has been greatest over the Arctic
which is why GISS data shows more warming than HadCRUT 3V. There
is more information on this difference at:
While Christopher Monckton did not appear in Durkin’s
movie, he has promoted it. ( Please see paragraph 5 at:
) He is also one of the “leading lights” (dimwits) of the Global
Warming Denier movement. As is typical of Global Warming Deniers,
Christopher Monckton is an expert at making noise and
scientifically impaired when it comes to portraying reality.
(Great qualifications if you want to be a politician or circus
side show barker.)
The following two pictures illustrate how Christopher
Monckton misrepresents reality.
(Also see slide 56 at
The picture above is from John Abraham’s
presentation: “
Scientist Replies to Christopher Monckton”. The picture is a
copy of a slide used in one of Monckton’s presentations where
Monckton states that the “Arctic sea-ice extent is just fine:
steady for a decade”. The picture shows the typical SEASONAL
(winter to summer) changes in ice coverage. The seasonal pattern
is relatively large as compared to the slower changes due to
Global Warming/Climate Change, and thus the longer term decrease
in the ice pack is not readily apparent.
(As for Monckton’s inclusion of the “crown” icon on his chart, try
and see what happens.)
The picture above is from the University of
Washington’s Applied Physics Laboratory, and shows yearly Arctic
Ice Pack volume anomalies.
The volume of Arctic sea ice is actually declining rapidly with
the trend accelerating. Monckton’s description of this decline is:
“Arctic sea-ice
extent is just fine: steady for a decade”
In the world of Global Warming Deniers, it appears
that blatant lying and bullyism are considered to be virtues when
you are trying to force your political agenda down everyone else’s
Illustration: Glen Le Lievre
For more info on Monckton’s lies, please see:
lies again (and again, and again, and again, and again . . .)!”
the myths behind the pontificating potty peer”
Christopher Monckton - A vociferous Global Warming Denier Liar (
The Myth of the
1970s Global Cooling Scientific Consensus
The following is a quote from the American Meteorological Society.
“An enduring popular myth suggests
that in the 1970s the climate science community was predicting
“global cooling” and an “imminent” ice age, an observation
frequently used by those who would undermine what climate
scientists say today about the prospect of global warming. A
review of the literature suggests that, on the contrary,
greenhouse warming even then dominated scientists' thinking as
being one of the most important forces shaping Earth's climate
on human time scales. More importantly than showing the
falsehood of the myth, this review describes how scientists of
the time built the foundation on which the cohesive enterprise
of modern climate science now rests.”
The graph above was originally posted on the
Skeptical Science website. (
- and the diagram is a repeat of an earlier post in 2008 ) The
graph shows the number of peer reviewed scientific papers that
were published in the late 1960s and 1970s that anticipated global
warming vs. global cooling. The vast majority of these papers
anticipated that atmospheric carbon dioxide would warm the earth.
As for what scientists were really saying in years
ago as reported by reliable news broadcasting, here’s a video of a
Walter Cronkite news broadcast from April 1980.
Here are some other sources/published papers:
"The Carbon Dioxide Theory of Climate Change" –
originally published by Gilbert Plass in 1956 (
“The extra CO2 released into the atmosphere by
industrial processes and other human activities may have caused
the temperature rise during the present century. In contrast
with other theories of climate, the CO2 theory predicts that
this warming trend will continue, at least for several
In 1965, President Johnson's Science Advisory
Committee published its “Restoring the Quality of Our
Environment”. report. The following quote is from this report:
“The part that remains in the atmosphere may have a
significant effect on climate; carbon dioxide is nearly
transparent to visible light, but it is a strong absorber and
back radiator of infrared radiation, particularly in the wave
lengths from 12 to 18 microns; consequently, an increase of
atmospheric carbon dioxide could act, much like the glass in a
greenhouse, to raise the temperature of the lower air.”
( link
In 1972, John Sawyer published the study
Carbon Dioxide and the “Greenhouse” Effect. The following
quote is from John Sawyer's study:
“The increase of 25% CO2 expected by the end of the
century therefore corresponds to an increase of 0.6°C in the
world temperature – an amount somewhat greater than the climatic
variation of recent centuries.”
Original published paper in:
In 1975 Wallace Broecker published his
research paper: "Climatic Change: Are We on the Brink of a
Pronounced Global Warming?" (
The following quote is from the abstract for this paper:
If man-made dust is unimportant as a major cause of
climatic change, then a strong case can be made that the present
cooling trend will, within a decade or so, give way to a
pronounced warming induced by carbon dioxide. By analogy with
similar events in the past, the natural climatic cooling which,
since 1940, has more than compensated for the carbon dioxide
effect, will soon bottom out. Once this happens, the exponential
rise in the atmospheric carbon dioxide content will tend to
become a significant factor and by early in the next century
will have driven the mean planetary temperature beyond the
limits experienced during the last 1000 years.
The following quotes are from the 1979 Charney Report
Dioxide and Climate: A Scientific Assessment”
“The primary effect of an increase
in CO2 is to cause more absorption of thermal
radiation from the earth’s surface and thus to increase the air
temperature in the troposphere.”
“We estimate the most probable global warming for a doubling of
CO2 to be near 3 deg. C with a probable error of +/-
1.5 deg. C.”
The graph above shows the global temperature record
as tabulated by NOA’s National Climate Data Center. The data can
be accessed at
“Global Warming Deniers” claim
that the world has been cooling. The graph shows that “The
Deniers” are willfully misrepresenting the actual observations.
Misrepresentations and willfully false claims by the “Global
Warming Deniers” are their standard mode of operation.
As shown by the (yellow) moving average, global
temperatures continue to rise.
As to when scientists actually
knew that increases in atmospheric carbon dioxide would cause
global warming, here's a 1912 newspaper report:
Original sources:
The Historical
Temperature Data vs. Carbon Dioxide & Methane
1 min. 15 seconds into the pseudo-documentary the
following statement is made: “We can’t say that CO2 will drive
climate, it certainly never did in the past.”
The scientific record shows that the above statement
is completely false, and discredits the person making it (Ian
Clark). The record shows there is a strong correlation
between past levels of carbon dioxide and methane vs. the earth’s
The original version of the above chart can be found
It is derived from multiple ice cores that record atmospheric
conditions and climate for the last 650,000 years. (Wikipedia has
a similar version plus additional charts at
The black center line in the chart measures deuterium
(hydrogen isotope) ratios found in the old ice. (Deuterium ratios
are a stand-in for the historical temperature.) The red line shows
methane levels while the blue line shows carbon dioxide ratios.
For comparative purposes, the current CO2 ratio in
the earth's atmosphere is in excess of 380 parts per million and
is climbing steeply. If this current ratio were plotted, it would
be at the left end of the blue line, and far above anything seen
in the previous 650,000 years. We are running an uncontrolled
experiment with our atmosphere.
The 800-Year Time
About 23 minutes into the pseudo-documentary, an
assertion is made that carbon dioxide is not responsible for
global warming because ice records show there have been several
instances where warming has begun some ~800 years before carbon
dioxide levels begin to increase. The actual 800-year lead is
true, but the conclusion presented in the pseudo-documentary is
not true.
As pointed out by Jeff Severinghaus (Professor of
Geosciences, Scripps Institution of Oceanography, University of
California, San Diego
), historical warm-up periods begin via some variable event that
starts a warming cycle. For example, in the past, these
initializing events were usually set off by Milankovitch
variations in the earth’s orbit that changed the amount of
sunshine reaching the ground in the northern hemisphere. This
time, the initialization event has been a human induced spike in
carbon dioxide concentrations. (Of note, the article at the above
URL is dated as of Dec. 3, 2004 which is more than 2 years before
Durkin’s pseudo-documentary was released.)
In turn, the initial warming event triggers a chain
reaction/feedback release of carbon dioxide (blue line in the
above chart) and methane (red line in the above chart) from the
earth’s oceans, which then drives the rest of the warm-up cycle.
Please see Jeff Severinghaus’ article
“What does the lag of CO2 behind temperature in ice cores tell us
about global warming?”
at the above web page for more information.
Alternately please see a longer article:
lag between temperature and CO2. (Gore’s got it right.)” by
Eric Steig
The ~100,000 year periodic cycles that can be seen in
the above chart appear to be closely correlated with changes in
the amount of summertime heat energy (insolation) at high
latitudes in the Northern Hemisphere. (This in turn drives ocean
currents starting with the North Atlantic Ocean.)
The most recent Milankovitch analysis indicates this
forcing factor would have produced cooling for the last 6,000
years, but changes for the next few thousand years will be
relatively minor. If Milankovich cycles were the sole contributor,
we would be experiencing a relatively cool climate now instead of
the observed rapid warming that has taken place over the last 100
years. For further information, please see:
; and in particular please see the red line in the chart at:
Finally, it should be noted that changes in
the earth’s orbit and rotational wobble have a time factor
measured in thousands of years. The rapid warming that has been
observed over the last 100 years is well below the threshold that
could be produced by Milankovitch cycles.
Another assertion in the pseudo-documentary is that
sunspots are responsible for global warming. The
pseudo-documentary can’t make up its mind whether to assert that
it’s sunspots, or some indeterminate “Solar Activity” that is
causing changes in temperature; but we will present the
pseudo-documentary’s “Solar Activity” chart and compare it with
the historical sunspot record.
The Print Screen image above shows the
pseudo-documentary’s “Solar Activity” chart. The blue-green line
shows the temperature for most of the last 400 years. Again, the
film’s producer has omitted the steep warming seen in the last 20
years. If the chart had included this recent warming, the
blue-green line would have run off the top of the chart. (See the
first pair of pictures.)
The red line is purported to depict “Solar Activity”.
If whatever the pseudo-documentary chose to represent as “Solar
Activity” had any correlation to observed temperatures, then the
red line should have spiked just as the recent temperature has. Of
course the red line is conveniently not plotted for the last few
The red line may have been based on original work by
Nathan Rive and Eigil Friis-Christensen. They have issued a joint
statement stating that the “red line” data was made up of
fabricated data that was presented as genuine.
Regarding: “The Great Global
Warming Swindle”, broadcast in the UK on Channel 4 on March 8,
We have concerns regarding the use of a graph featured in the
documentary titled ‘Temp & Solar Activity 400 Years’.
Firstly, we have reason to believe that parts of the graph were
made up of fabricated data that were presented as genuine. The
inclusion of the artificial data is both misleading and
pointless…it incorrectly rules out a contribution by
anthropogenic greenhouse gases to 20th century global warming.
Ian Clark (The spokesman for the earlier discredited
quote: “We can’t say that CO2 will drive climate, it
certainly never did in the past.”) supports this incorrect
solar/sunspot conjecture.
The chart above is an excerpt from NASA’s “Solar
Cycle Update” at
It shows the actual number of observed sunspots over the last 400
years. (The number of sunspots has been counted for the last 400
years, and this record is our only direct measurement of “Solar
Activity” for this time span.) The actual information as shown
above doesn’t resemble the red line in the pseudo-documentary. The
source data for the red line in the pseudo-documentary thus
remains a mystery.
If short term temperatures followed a sunspot cycle,
we should see similar short term temperature oscillations that
correspond to the ~11 year sunspot cycle. No short term
correlation exists. The pseudo-documentary tries to correlate the
minor 1940 top in temperatures with the number of sunspots. A
quick look at the sunspot chart shows no 1940 correlation.
Similarly, if sunspots were responsible for the large observed
increase in world temperatures over the last few decades, then
there should also be some unusual anomaly in the sunspot pattern
over the same last few decades. No such anomaly exists.
The above chart is from
University’s Solar Center.
The sharp warming in the earth’s temperature over the last several
decades is following the increase in the atmospheric carbon
dioxide content. The warming trend is not following sunspot
“Global warming . . .
is now well documented and accepted by scientists as fact.”
Solar Irradiance
Solar Irradiance through October 2009, based on
concatenation of multiple satellite records by Claus Frohlich and
Judith Lean (see Frohlich, 2006). Averaged over day and night,
Earth absorbs about 240 W/m
2 of energy from the sun, so
the irradiance variation of about 0.1 percent causes a direct
climate forcing of just over 0.2 W/m
Original graph from:
Solar Irradiance (Unobstructed heat energy from the
sun) has been measured by satellites for over 30 years. As seen in
the above graph, there has been no significant increase in solar
radiation that could account for the increase in the earth’s
temperature over the last few decades. The cyclical pattern in the
above graph closely approximates the sunspot cycle.
A recent study of solar radiation was released July 11, 2007
variations not behind global warming: study”
activity cleared of global warming blame”
The original research report (published in the
“Proceedings of the Royal Society” - highly technical) is at: (
“Recent oppositely directed trends in solar
climate forcings and the global mean surface air temperature”
This most recent research study indicates that solar
irradiance has actually decreased slightly since the mid 1980s.
(Which is what can be seen in the NASA solar irradiance

These two chart pairs from
pages 5 and 7 of the above report show that solar irradiance is
not responsible for the sharp increase in observed world
temperatures over the last few decades. (TSI = Total Solar
Irradiance, ΔT = observed temperature anomaly) In the first pair
of graphs, the ~11 year sunspot cycle overwhelms directly
observable longer term changes in irradiance, while random
temperature fluctuations add a lot of “jiggles” to the temperature
In the second pair of graphs, the sunspot cycle has
been subtracted out and temperature data has been smoothed. In the
smoothed temperature chart, GISS is Goddard Institute for Space
Studies (NASA) data while HadCRUT3 is data from England’s Hadley
Center for Research. The red line in the irradiance chart shows
the resultant best fit while the other lines reflect various
damping factors.
As shown in the charts, not only have temperatures
continued to rise since 1985, the rate of temperature increase is
accelerating. Total solar irradiance (total solar radiated energy)
has slightly decreased during this period. Thus solar irradiance
is clearly not responsible for the recent increase in the earth’s
The report also examines sunspot counts, length of
the sunspot cycle, solar magnetic flux, and cosmic rays as part of
the study. The report’s conclusion is:
“Our results show that the
observed rapid rise in global mean temperatures seen after 1985
cannot be ascribed to solar variability, whichever of the
mechanisms is invoked and no matter how much the solar variation
is amplified.”
Also, “
in Solar Brightness Too Weak to Explain Global Warming”
The “Denial
Industry” / “Denial Machine”

Yet the only real evidence
that the “deniers” (and their well-funded "Denial Industry" / “
Denial Machine”
) can demonstrate is that they are not mentally capable of
understanding real evidence. Note: “The Denial Machine” video
includes Fred Singer’s (see below) assertion that tobacco smoke is
not a health hazard.
Also, as part of their campaign, the deniers continue
to churn out fabricated/manufactured “evidence” that has no
factual basis. Please see Newsweek’s Aug. 13, 2007 cover story -
“The Truth About Denial” - for additional information.
(The article is a lengthy documentation of the what/why/when of
the “Denial Machine”, who is financing it, and how it is flooding
the world with disinformation to obfuscate the real evidence of
global warming (climate change).)
(If you don’t understand the above cartoon, you need to see the “
Creationism =
Willful Ignorance” page.)
A quote from
“Ok, so now we know that Durkin admittedly has no problem with
fudging charts and graphs to meet his own ends”
There is much more at this web site.
The low activity in sunspots from 1650 to 1700 is of
interest. This dip in sunspot activity is called the Maunder
Minimum in honor of astronomer E. W. Maunder. There appears to be
some correlation with historical temperatures as this period
coincided with the “Little Ice Age”. However, if this correlation
were stronger, then temperatures should have maxed out with the
late 1950’s peak in sunspots. This is not what we observe in the
temperature records. Thus sunspots are not the cause of the sharp
global warming we have seen in the last few decades.
The chart above from (
) shows a composite of 10 different temperature reconstructions
over the last 1000 years. The Maunder Minimum does coincide with
the lowest temperature readings, but it is a loose fit at best,
and may be coincidental. Of note, the Medieval Warm Period was not
as warm as current temperatures. (This refutes the graphic shown
in the pseudo-documentary which claims the Medieval Warm Period
was warmer than present temperatures.)
The medium blue line that starts at the left edge in
the above chart is Michael Mann’s original “Hockey Stick”. Michael
Mann’s temperature reconstruction has been confirmed by other
temperature reconstructions which indicates that he has had it
right all along.
A major research work that was published in 2013 has again
reconfirmed the original work by Michael Mann. (
(“All data are freely available” – includes link)
Gabriel Fahrenheit invented the modern thermometer in
the early 1700’s. Thus early temperatures have to be reconstructed
by indirect methods as shown in the preceding “Reconstructed
Temperature” picture. The graph shown in the pseudo-documentary is
not based on accurate data.
Cosmic Rays
At about 33 minutes into the pseudo-documentary,
there is an assertion that cosmic rays generate clouds that in
turn cause changes in the earth’s temperature. This assertion is
refuted by the following article published by the American
Geophysical Union.
(Summary only)
Full text at (
“Cosmic Rays Are Not the Cause of
Climate Change, Scientists Say”
Eleven Earth and
space scientists say that a recent paper attributing most
climate change on Earth to cosmic rays is incorrect and based on
questionable methodology. Writing in the January 27 issue of
Eos, published by the American Geophysical Union, Stefan
Rahmstorf of the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research
and colleagues in Canada, France, Germany, Switzerland, and the
United States challenge the cosmic ray hypothesis.
The authors of the above research conclude that the
cosmic ray hypothesis is “incorrect and based on questionable
methodology” and is “scientifically ill-founded”.
The assertion in the pseudo-documentary may well be based on this
discredited cosmic ray hypothesis.
If you want to look at cosmic ray measurements for
the last 50 years, you can see the actual data at (
). The solar wind is stronger during periods of high sunspot
activity which in turn reduces the number of cosmic rays that can
reach the earth. Thus there is an 11-year inverse correlation with
the sunspot cycle.
The chart above illustrates the average hourly cosmic
ray count rate (1,000’s per hour) for each year beginning in 1953
as measured at the high altitude observatory in Climax, Colorado.
(Data is from the above web link. 2006 data is a preliminary
average for the first 11 months.) The pseudo-documentary’s cosmic
ray conjecture states that high cosmic ray intensities produce
more clouds which would produce cooler earth temperatures. If this
conjecture were true, then we should see a corresponding 11-year
cycle in the earth’s temperature. If we compare this chart with
the actual temperature record (the NASA/GISS temperature record
shown earlier), there is no apparent correlation.
At about 25 minutes 18 seconds into the
pseudo-documentary, the video/film shows an animated cartoon of a
volcano and asserts that volcanoes emit more carbon dioxide than
human induced emissions. The exact quote from the
pseudo-documentary is:
“Volcanoes produce more CO2 each
year than all the factories and cars and planes and other
sources of man-made carbon dioxide put together.”
Once again the pseudo-documentary willfully falsifies the facts.
The following quote is from the U. S. Geological Survey. (
Comparison of CO2
emissions from volcanoes vs. human activities.
“Scientists have calculated that
volcanoes emit between about 130-230 million tonnes (145-255
million tons) of CO2 into the atmosphere every year (Gerlach,
1999, 1991). This estimate includes both subaerial and submarine
volcanoes, about in equal amounts. Emissions of CO2 by human
activities, including fossil fuel burning, cement production,
and gas flaring, amount to about 27 billion tonnes per year (30
billion tons) [ ( Marland, et al., 2006) - The reference gives
the amount of released carbon (C), rather than CO2, through
2003.]. Human activities release more than 130
times the amount of CO2 emitted by volcanoes--the
equivalent of more than 8,000 additional volcanoes like Kilauea
(Kilauea emits about 3.3 million tonnes/year)! (Gerlach et. al.,
Also, from a paper presented at the Geological Society of
America’s 2010 meeting:
“This anthropogenic CO2 emission rate is ~100-300 times larger
than the estimate ranges for annual global volcanic CO2 release.”
The graph above was originally posted at (
) The graph shows the atmospheric concentration of Carbon
Dioxide as measured at Mauna Loa, Hawaii vs. Stratospheric Aerosol
concentrations from volcanic eruptions.
Q. If volcanoes were the primary contributor to atmospheric carbon
dioxide, why aren’t there spikes in the atmospheric CO2
concentrations that correspond with major volcanic eruptions?
A. As per usual, the Global Warming Deniers lie about reality.
(Note: The 1980 eruption of Mt. St. Helens caused barely a minor
bump in aerosols.)
of statements by scientific experts
The pseudo-documentary “The Great Global Warming
Swindle” also abusively uses “cut and paste”, out-of-context
statements by at least one legitimate scientist. The result
willfully misconstrues the original meaning to instead promote the
producer’s agenda. The following are statements by Carl Wunsch,
professor of physical oceanography at the Massachusetts Institute
of Technology and are posted at: (
Climate scientist
‘duped to deny global warming’
A Leading US climate
scientist is considering legal action after he says he was duped
into appearing in a Channel 4 documentary that claimed man-made
global warming is a myth. Carl Wunsch, professor of physical
oceanography at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, said
the film, The Great Global Warming Swindle, was ‘grossly
distorted’ and ‘as close to pure propaganda as anything since
World War Two’.
He says his comments in the film were taken out of
context and that he would not have agreed to take part if he had
known it would argue that man-made global warming was not a
serious threat. ‘I thought they were trying to educate the
public about the complexities of climate change,’ he said. ‘This
seems like a deliberate attempt to exploit someone who is on the
other side of the issue.’ He is considering a complaint to
Ofcom, the broadcast regulator. - Guardian
Professor Wunsch said: “I am angry because they
completely misrepresented me. My views were distorted by the
context in which they placed them. I was misled as to what it
was going to be about. I was told about six months ago that this
was to be a programme about how complicated it is to understand
what is going on. If they had told me even the title of the
programme, I would have absolutely refused to be on it. I am the
one who has been swindled.” - Independent
The above web site has multiple other links that refute the
assertions made in the pseudo-documentary.
A complete listing of MIT’s Professor Carl Wunsch's comments on
the pseudo-documentary can be found at:
The Other
“Experts” in the Program
The pseudo-documentary implies that the other people
who appeared are knowledgeable experts in their fields. In
practice, their best expertise seems to be wrangling payments from
large energy companies - especially anti-environmental
organizations. The following list of brief biographies is a
long quote from:
posting will scroll downward)
link )
Fred Singer.
Despite the caption on the programme, Singer has retired from
the University of Virginia and has not had a single article
accepted for any peer-reviewed scientific journal for 20 years.
His main work has been as a hired gun for business interests to
undermine scientific research on environmental and health
matters. Before turning to climate change denial he has argued
that CFCs do not cause ozone depletion and second hand smoke
does not cause cancer (more… ). In 1990 he founded “The Science
and Environment Policy Project”, which aggressively contradicts
climate science and has received direct funding from Exxon,
Shell, Unocal and ARCO. Exxon is also among the funders ($20,000
in 1998 and 2000)
Patrick Michaels is the most prominent US
climate change denier. In the programme he claimed “I’ve never
been paid a nickel by the old and gas companies” which is a
curious claim. According to the US journalist Ross Gebspan
Michaels has received direct funding from, among others German
Coal Mining Association ($49,000), Edison Electric Institute
($15,000), and the Western Fuels Association ($63,000) an
association of US coal producing interests (more…). The WFA is
one of the most powerful forces in the US actively denying the
basic science of climate change, funding, amongs other things,
the Greening Earth Society which is directed by Patrick
Michaels. Tom Wigley, one of the leading IPCC scientists,
describes Michaels work as “a catalog of misrepresentation and
misinterpretation”. (More on Michaels…)
Philip Stott was captioned as a Professor
at the University of London although he is retired and is
therefore free of any academic accountability. Stott is a
geographer by training and has no qualifications in climate
science. Since retiring Stott has aimed to become Britain’s
leading anti-green pundit dedicating himself to wittily
criticizing rainforest campaigns (with Patrick Moore),
advocating genetic engineering and claiming that “global warming
is the new fundamentalist religion.”
Patrick Moore is Stott’s Canadian
equivalent. Since a very personal and painful falling out with
Greenpeace in 1986 Moore has put his considerable campaigning
energies into undermining environmentalists, especially his
former friends and colleagues. Typical of his rhetoric was his
claim in the programme that environmentalists were “anti-human”
and “treat humans as scum”. Throughout the 1990s Moore worked as
lead consultant for the British Columbian Timber Products
Association undermining Greenpeace’s international campaign to
protect old growth forest there. Whenever he has the chance he
also makes strong public statements in favour of genetic
engineering, nuclear power, logging the Amazon, and industrial
fishing- all, strangely, lead campaigns for Greenpeace (more on
Piers Corbyn has no academic status and
his role in such programmes is to promote his own weather
prediction business. He has steadfastly refused to ever subject
his climatological theories to any form of external review or
Richard Lindzen. As a Professor of
Meteorology at the credible Massachusetts Institute of
Technology, Lindzen is by far the most reputable academic among
the US climate deniers and, for this reason, he is heavily cited
by sympathetic journalists such as Melanie Phillips and Michael
Crichton. His arguments though are identical to the other
deniers – for example an article in the Wall Street Journal
(June 11 2001) he claims that “there is no consensus, unanimous
or otherwise, about long-term climate trends or what causes
He is strongly associated with the other people on the programme
though co-authored reports, articles, conference appearances and
co-signed statements.
Tim Ball was captioned as the University
of Winnipeg. In fact he left in 1996 and since then he has
run political campaigns through two organizations he helped
found: the Natural Resources Stewardship Project and the Friends
of Science which, according to their websites aim to run “a
proactive grassroots campaign to counter the Kyoto Protocol”;
and “encourage and assist the Canadian Federal Government to
re-evaluate the Kyoto Protocol”. Ian Clark is also on the board
of the NRSP.
As to the claim that Tim Ball is/was a professor in
the Climatology Department at the University of Winnipeg, “
University of Winnipeg has never had a Department of Climatology”.
As quoted by the Defendants (the Defendants eventually prevailed)
against Tim Ball (the Plaintiff) in a lawsuit:
“The Defendants state that the
Plaintiff never held a reputation in the scientific community as
a noted climatologist and authority on global warming.”
“The Plaintiff is viewed as a paid promoter of the agenda of the
oil and gas industry rather than as a practicing scientist.”
(Page 12, Section 50)
Tim Ball is also one of the perpetrators of the
“Global Cooling” myth with statements such as: “
it warmed from 1680 up to 1940, but since 1940 it’s been cooling
down.” Please refer to the “Global Temperature” chart
near the top of this page to see what has really happened. Is Tim
Ball willfully lying or is Tim Ball completely out of touch with
reality? (Could both be true?)
Another “Tim Ballism”: “
also, the majority of the scientists who are on the Kyoto and
global warming bandwagon know nothing about the science.”
Please refer to the “Recommended links for further research”
section below for links/references about scientists who are on the
“global warming bandwagon”.
And yet another Tim Ball delusion: “
CO2 levels were about the same as today.”
Please note that current CO2 levels are above 385 parts per
million - and then see where this would be plotted on the graph
shown earlier in the “The Historical Temperature Data vs. Carbon
Dioxide & Methane” section. (Hint: Nothing even close for over
650,000 years.)
Similarly, the pseudo-documentary has a caption
saying Fred Singer was the “Former Director, US National Weather
Service”. In fact, Fred Singer was never a “Former Director, US
National Weather Service”. These claims are not true, and are
willful misrepresentations of the credentials of the participants
in the movie. These are typical of the fraudulent claims that are
present in the pseudo-documentary.
For example, at about 16 min. 24 sec. into the
pseudo-documentary, Tim Ball asserts that the carbon dioxide
content of the atmosphere is 0.054%. You would think that a real
“professor of climatology” would know that the CO2 content of the
atmosphere has only climbed above 0.038% in the last few years (
was consistently below 0.030% for at least 650,000 years before
Additional information at (
link ) describes Piers Corbyn thusly:
“Piers Corbyn does not appear to
have any academic standing, background, or contacts; he refuses
to divulge his prediction techniques or methods to anyone for
examination; and his actual prediction record is, shall we say,
not exactly justified by the evidence, and I can say this from
watching him.”
“Overall, I would place him in the category of "successful
huckster" with the integrity of a sincere astrologer.”
Note: A Google search using < “Piers Corbyn” charlatan >
returns a significant number of hits.
The following information on Richard S. Lindzen was
not included above but can be found at:
“Lindzen, for his part, charges
oil and coal interests $2,500 a day for his consulting services;
his 1991 trip to testify before a Senate committee was paid for
by Western Fuels, and a speech he wrote, entitled "Global
Warming: the Origin and Nature of Alleged Scientific Consensus,"
was underwritten by OPEC.”…“In 1991, Western Fuels spent an
estimated $250,000 to produce and distribute a video entitled
"The Greening of Planet Earth," which was shown frequently
inside the Bush White House as well as within the governments of
And as quoted at: (
Dr. Lindzen is a member of the
Advisory Council of the Annapolis Center for Science Based
Public Policy, which has received large amounts of funding from
ExxonMobil and smaller amounts from Daimler Chrysler, according
to a review Exxon's own financial documents and 990s from
Daimler Chrysler's Foundation. Lindzen is a also been a
contributor to the Cato Institute [see “Organized Crime” below],
which has taken $90,000 from Exxon since 1998, according to the
website Exxonsecrets.org and a review Exxon financial documents.
He is also a contributor for the George C. Marshall Institute.
“Organized Crime”
and the Pseudo-documentary’s “Expert”, S. Fred Singer

It appears that the
pseudo-documentary’s “expert”, “Professor” Fred Singer, has been a
co-organizer (with “Organized Crime”) of pseudo-scientific
organizations whose members consist of “other scientists” who were
willing participants in a “Propaganda for pay” program. The
purpose of these pseudo-scientific organizations was to provide
“anti-environmental”/“anti-consumerism” reports. These
pseudo-scientific organizations are actually fronts for large
energy and tobacco companies that wanted reports by “name
scientists” that would hide (via “disinformation”) the fact that
carbon dioxide emissions are causing “global warming” (climate
change). (Participation by tobacco companies was to hide the
harmful effects of cigarette smoking.)
Currently, a Google search using
< “Fred Singer” “organized crime” >
returns over 1,000 hits. You will find multiple connections
to other people in the above list including Patrick Michaels’
links with the Cato Institute (e. g.
In turn, the Cato Institute is part of David Koch’s “alleged”
“organized crime” network. (Picture at right is from
and it has a great deal more information.)
A couple of good starter links for further research would include:
For other links, “Google is your friend”. For example:
< “Koch Industries” “global warming” >
between Patrick Michaels, Koch, etc. and the IREA
(Intermountain Rural Electric Association)
The following quotes are from page 2 of a July 17, 2006 IREA
Signed by Stanley R. Lewandowski, Jr. (General Manager)
“In February of this year, IREA
alone contributed $100,000 to Dr. Michaels. In addition, we have
contacted all of the G & T’s in the United States and as of
the writing of this letter, we have obtained additional
contributions and pledges for Dr. Michaels group.”
“Koch Industries is working with other large corporations,
including AEP and the Southern Company, on possibly financing a
film that would counteract An
Inconvenient Truth. Koch has also decided to finance a
coalition that very likely will be administered through the
National Association of Manufacturers.”
There is no confirmation regarding a connection between the above
“financing a film” and Durkin’s TGGWS, but - if you could follow
the money…?
More on Fred
Singer from the New York Times
The following quotes were originally in the New York
Times on April 26, 1998 and are archived at (
link ) It seems that not only is Fred Singer a member of the
“Denial Industry”, he helped to organize it. (Note: The reference
to “argue against the Administration” was in Clinton’s
administration. The Bush administration has tried to reinforce
this anti-climate agenda.)
By JOHN H. CUSHMAN Jr. (New York Times) 1140 words (
April 26, 1998, Sunday
WASHINGTON, April 25 -- Industry
opponents of a treaty to fight global warming have drafted an
ambitious proposal to spend millions of dollars to convince the
public that the environmental accord is based on shaky science.
Among their ideas is a campaign to recruit a cadre of scientists
who share the industry's views of climate science and to train
them in public relations so they can help convince journalists,
politicians and the public that the risk of global warming is
too uncertain to justify controls on greenhouse gases like
carbon dioxide that trap the sun's heat near Earth.
The draft plan calls for recruiting scientists to argue against
the Administration, and suggests that they include ''individuals
who do not have a long history of visibility and/or
participation in the climate change debate.'' But among the
plan's advocates are groups already linked to the best-known
critics of global-warming science. They include
the Science and Environment Policy Project, founded by Fred
Singer, a physicist noted for opposing the mainstream
view of climate science.
See: (
This “Industrial Group” financing campaign to
manufacture doubt about Global Warming has been continuing ever
since. The front groups that receive the corporate money are
presented as “think tanks” and “research organizations”, but what
is in back of them is strictly paid propaganda financed by large
corporations. Jeff Masters has an in depth analysis that provides
additional details. Please see “
Manufactured Doubt industry and the hacked email controversy”
Does Global
Warming Exist?
As to whether “global warming” exists, we only have
to look at the earth’s canary birds - the glaciers. For example,
see (
The (historic) Muir Glacier is an extreme example,
but there are many other examples. (If you have Google Earth on
your computer, go to 59.012N, 136.163W and look slightly west of
due north to generate a view similar to the views above.)
USGS scientist Bruce Molnia: “
than 99 percent of America’s thousands of large glaciers have
long documented records of an overall shrinkage as climate warms”
The above is a Print Screen image from: (
Portage Glacier, Alaska
Portage Glacier is one of the standard tourist stops on Alaskan
tours. It’s about 49 miles southeast of Anchorage. You can
optionally take a boat trip up to the base of the glacier.
The twin photos above are from: (
They show what the Athabasca Glacier looked like back
in 1917 vs. what was left of it in 2005. The glacier on the right
side of the photos is the Dome Glacier. Both glaciers have shrunk
noticeably in the time interval.
The Athabasca Glacier is the most visited glacier in
North America. It is just off the Icefields Parkway in Jasper
National Park, Alberta, Canada. (
link )
In the past 125 years, the Athabasca Glacier
has lost half of its volume and receded more than 1.5 kilometers
(0.93 miles). The recession rate has accelerated since 1980.
The picture pairs above and below are courtesy of (
Do you recognize the impressive mountain in the background? Hint:
It’s near Zermatt. Switzerland.
The left picture is a copy of an old post card. The
Furgg Glacier can be seen snaking around the front of the tall
pyramidal mountain. Also, part of the glacier covers the lower
slopes of the tall mountain.
By 2003 there isn’t much left of the glacier. The
very dark area below and slightly to the right of the mountain is
the shadow from a 500-foot high cliff below a ridge. One hundred
years ago, the glacier was thick enough to completely cover the
ridge. If you have Google Earth on your computer, you can see
trimlines and moraines that mark the former extent of the glacier.
To find the area formerly covered by the Furgg Glacier, just look
about 4 miles southwest of Zermatt Switzerland - or alternately,
about 2 miles ENE of (and a “tad” down from) the summit of the
The twin pictures above show two views of the Great
Aletsch Glacier in the Swiss Alps. The Aletsch is the longest
glacier in the Alps and may have the dubious distinction of being
one of the last to disappear completely. There are multiple other
“then and now” pictures of glaciers that can be seen at: (
The above picture is a Print Screen Image from (
The Pasterze Glacier is the longest glacier in
Austria. The two pictures above show what it looked like in 1875
vs. the same view in 2004. In 1875 the glacier was over one-half
mile wide and over 500 feet thick. (Measured via Google Earth)
Guess what Global Warming/Climate Change has done to this glacier?
Switzerland’s World Glacier Monitoring Service
The graph above shows what is happening to the
world's glaciers. Not only are glaciers melting world-wide, the
melting rate is accelerating.
has an extensive article documenting glacial retreat around the
world including several “then and now” photographs. As documented
in the article, glacial retreat has accelerated since 1990.
image search using << glacier “global warming”
>> returns hundreds of thousands of photographs/images
showing glacial shrinkage due to Global Warming.
“Insignificant” Humans Alter the Earth’s Vast Atmosphere?
Let’s do a little simple math. The surface area of
the Earth is 197,000,000 square miles.
The World’s population is 6,602,224,175 (July 2007 est.) (
This yields 33.51+ people per square mile. (Includes oceans) Our
surface area allotment per person is a square a little over 912
feet by 912 feet, and our per capita atmospheric allotment is the
air above this square.
If you left your car running in a 25 ft. x 25 ft.
closed garage, it would take only a few minutes to get into
trouble. It takes longer if your garage is 912 ft. x 912 ft. x 5
miles high, but again, the results are cumulative. (If you
represent the earth’s atmosphere by a column of air with uniform
density at standard temperature and pressure, the column would be
slightly under 5 miles high. In reality, the atmosphere’s average
temperature is slightly less than “standard temperature” which
would produce a slight further reduction in this height.)
Why the
Pseudo-Documentary was produced
There are many people in the world whose
attitude is: “Don’t bother me with the facts - I’ve already made
up my mind.” Typically, these people hold emotion-based opinions,
and don’t want to learn that their opinions are no better than
“urban legends”.
Supermarket tabloids appeal to people that fall into
the above category. These same people also blindly believe
pseudo-documentaries such as “The Great Global Warming Swindle”.
These people who have a “need to believe” aren’t interested in the
facts. But they are quite willing to believe a fraudulent
pseudo-documentary that supports “Don’t bother me with the facts -
I’ve already made up my mind.” The “Martin Durkin”s of the world
get paid to generate pseudo-documentaries to service this market.
The Producer of the Pseudo-Documentary (Martin
Durkin) has a past record of turning out other “allegedly” biased
pseudo-documentaries that appeal to the “Don’t bother me with the
facts - I’ve already made up my mind.” audience. The following is
a quote from
Martin Durkin
is a television producer and director, most notably of
television documentaries for Channel 4 in Britain. He has caused
consistent controversy over the alleged bias found in many of
his documentaries. He is understood to have once been closely
involved with the Revolutionary Communist Party and its later
offshoots Living Marxism and Spiked, a magazine and associated
political network which promotes libertarian views, and is
highly critical of environmentalism.
Evidence that
Martin Durkin has a past record of “sleazebag” productions
It appears that this is not the only time that Martin
Durkin has used “cut-and-paste”, “out of context” clips from
legitimate scientists to misrepresent the original meaning. He has
used this same tactic in some of his previous
pseudo-documentaries. The following quote is from:
(and there is a lot more at this web page)
Two scientists critical of genetic
engineering who were invited to contribute to the programme, Dr
Arpad Pusztai and Dr Mae-Wan Ho, both subsequently complained
that they were misled about the content and were not given a
chance to reply to attacks on their positions (Pusztai's
comments). Dr Ho said , 'I feel completely betrayed and misled.
They did not tell me it was going to be an attack on my
Past complicity
by “Channel 4” (Channel Four)
It appears that “Channel 4” is a co-conspirator with
Martin Durkin regarding other previous pseudo-documentaries. The
following is a quote from:
Channel Four had to broadcast a
prime-time apology after Against Nature drew the wrath of the
Independent Television Commission which ruled, 'Comparison of
the unedited and edited transcripts confirmed that the editing
of the interviews with [the environmentalists who contributed]
had indeed distorted or misrepresented their known views. It was
also found that the production company had misled them... as to
the format, subject matter and purpose of these programs.'
“Durkin had
intentionally sought out questionable sources and data”
The above quote is an excerpt from a long post at (
) that in turn quotes from the UK newpaper
The Independent. The entire
post illustrates the distortions that Mr. Durkin used to try to
promote his own agenda. Single indentions sections are quotes from
the Reasic article while double indentions are quotes from
The Independent. The URL for
the original article in
Independent is: (
Channel 4 Distances Itself From Documentary
14th, 2007
UK newpaper The Independent has conducted an investigation into
the claims made and data used in Martin Durkin’s latest
documentary. As they reported today, they’ve found that the
charts and data used in the film were not entirely accurate:
The Great Global Warming
Swindle, was based on graphs that were distorted, mislabelled
or just plain wrong. The graphs were nevertheless used to
attack the credibility and honesty of climate scientists.
A graph central to the programme’s thesis, purporting to show
variations in global temperatures over the past century,
claimed to show that global warming was not linked with
industrial emissions of carbon dioxide. Yet the graph was not
what it seemed.
Other graphs used out-of-date information or data that was
shown some years ago to be wrong. Yet the programme makers
claimed the graphs demonstrated that orthodox climate science
was a conspiratorial “lie” foisted on the public.
After a little poking around, the reporter found that Durkin had
intentionally sought out questionable sources and data, then
misrepresented them as being from NASA:
The programme-makers labelled
the source of the world temperature data as “Nasa” but when we
inquired about where we could find this information, we
received an email through Wag TV’s PR consultant saying that
the graph was drawn from a 1998 diagram published in an
obscure journal called Medical Sentinel. The authors of the
paper are well-known climate sceptics who were funded by the
Oregon Institute of Science and Medicine and the George C
Marshall Institute, a right-wing Washington think-tank.
However, there are no diagrams in the paper that accurately
compare with the C4 graph. The nearest comparison is a diagram
of “terrestrial northern hemisphere” temperatures - which
refers only to data gathered by weather stations in the top
one third of the globe.
However, further inquiries revealed that the C4 graph was
based on a diagram in another paper produced as part of a
“petition project” by the same group of climate sceptics. This
diagram was itself based on long out-of-date information on
terrestrial temperatures compiled by Nasa scientists.
However, crucially, the axis along the bottom of the graph has
been distorted in the C4 version of the graph, which made it
look like the information was up-to-date when in fact the data
ended in the early 1980s.
Mr Durkin admitted that his graphics team had extended the
time axis along the bottom of the graph to the year 2000.
“There was a fluff there,” he said.
When questioned about these discrepancies, Channel 4 distanced
itself from the project:
Channel 4 yesterday distanced
itself from the programme, referring this newspaper’s
inquiries to a public relations consultant working on behalf
of Wag TV, the production company behind the documentary.
Many have already pointed out the distortions in the film. It’s
nice to see that this is reaching mainstream sources.
Martin Durkin’s
“Scientific Reply” to Dr. Armand Leroi
When Dr Armand Leroi from Imperial College London
wrote to Martin Durkin to complain about the distorted science
presented in the program, this was Martin Durkin’s “scientific”
-----Original Message-----
From: Martin Durkin
[mailto:mdurkin@wagtv.com] Sent:
09 March 2007 09:53 To: Armand
lbolch@channel4.co.uk Cc: simonsingh@msn.com;
ben@badscience.net Subject: RE:
The Global Warming Swindle
Isn’t nice to know that “Channel 4”’s journalism standards include
and defend:
“You’re a big daft
And from The
Times On Line
Martin Durkin, the executive
producer of The Great Global Warming Swindle, responded to the
concerns of Dr Armand Leroi, from Imperial College, and Simon
Singh, the respected scientific author, by telling them to “go
and f*** yourself”. (Use a Google search for multiple links that
omit the “***”)
Mr Durkin replied nine minutes later: “The BBC is now a force
for bigotry and intolerance . . .
“Why have we not heard this in the hours and hours of shit
programming on global warming shoved down our throats by the
“Never mind an irresponsible bit of film-making. Go and f***
Recommended links
for further research
The following
organizations provide evidence that:
1) Global Warming / Climate Change is real.
2) Human activities are by far the largest causative agent.
3) Global Warming / Climate Change is a continuing, ongoing
“Ninety-seven percent of climate scientists agree that
climate-warming trends over the past century are very likely due
to human activities, and most of the leading scientific
organizations worldwide have issued public statements endorsing
this position.”
at NASA )
(The graph)
Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
National Climatic Data Center
Meteorological Organization (WMO)
Meteorological Society
“Warming of the climate system now is unequivocal” “The dominant
cause of the warming since the 1950s is human activities.” (
The Weather
Channel Position Statement on Global Warming
“These observations, together with computer model simulations and
historical climate reconstructions from ice cores, ocean sediments
and tree rings all provide strong evidence that the majority of
the warming over the past century is a result of human
Center for Atmospheric Research
“How do we know Earth is warming now?”
Earth System Research Laboratory - Global Monitoring Division
University Corporation for Atmospheric Research
Jet Propulsion Laboratory - California Institute of Technology
“Global Climate Change” “How do we know?”
American Geophysical Union (world's largest scientific society of
Earth and space scientists)
Impacts on Climate”
Association for the Advancement of Science
“The scientific evidence is clear: global climate change caused by
human activities is occurring now”
U. S. National Academy of Sciences
change is real”
National Science Foundation
Warming Greatest in Past Decade”
U. S. Geological Survey
and Landscape Change in Response to Changing Climate”
Time lapse video: “
Erasure: South Cascade Glacier in a Changing Climate”
Geological Society of America
“The Geological Society of America (GSA) concurs . . . that global
climate has warmed and that human activities (mainly greenhouse
gas emissions) account for most of the warming since the middle
National Snow and Ice Data Center - Global Glacier Recession
“We live in a time of increasing greenhouse gas concentrations
with an attendant warming of the climate.”
United Nations Environment Programme/World Glacier Monitoring
“Global Glacier Changes: facts and figures”
“There is mounting evidence that climate change is triggering a
shrinking and thinning of many glaciers world-wide”
and links to a 26 MB WGMS report)
The United States Energy Information Administration
Gases, Climate Change, and Energy”
S. Department of Defense ( Page 8 )
“As greenhouse gas emissions increase, sea levels are rising,
average global temperatures are increasing, and severe weather
patterns are accelerating.” “These effects are threat multipliers
that will aggravate stressors abroad such as poverty,
environmental degradation, political instability, and social
tensions – conditions that can enable
terrorist activity and other forms of violence.”
“Rising global temperatures, changing precipitation patterns,
climbing sea levels, and more extreme weather events will
intensify the challenges of global instability, hunger, poverty,
and conflict.” (
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
activity fuels global warming”
Also: “The new projections are . . . the median surface warming in
2091 to 2100 is 5.1°C
NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory | California Institute of
Climate change: How do we know?
"The current warming trend is of particular significance because
most of it is extremely likely (greater than 95 percent
probability) to be the result of human activity since the mid-20th
century and proceeding at a rate that is unprecedented over
decades to millennia."
“A large body of scientific information indicates that global
climate change is unequivocal, almost certainly is caused mostly
by human activities, is already causing significant harm, and as
it continues, holds great risks for our future.”
Institute of Technology
Climate Change Science
“Greenhouse gases are accumulating in Earth’s atmosphere as a
result of human activities, causing surface air temperatures and
subsurface ocean temperatures to rise.”
“The Greenhouse Effect and Global Warming”
“With higher CO2 concentrations come expectations of a stronger
greenhouse effect and therefore warmer global temperatures.”
Atmospheric Sciences -
of Illinois - Champaign
“Evidence continues to mount that human activities are altering
the Earth’s climate on a global scale.”
Woods Hole
Oceanographic Institution
Institution of Oceanography (University of California - San
UK’s Met Office Hadley Centre
“Climate change - the big picture”
The UK’s Royal Society
“Climate change controversies: a simple guide”
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (Based in Switzerland)
Change 2007: Synthesis Report”
Japan Meteorological Agency
Warming Projection Vol.7”
Australian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society
“Our climate has changed substantially.” “Global climate change
and global warming are real and observable.”
Society of New Zealand
“The globe is warming because of increasing greenhouse gas
Geographic Magazine
American Magazine
“Scientific opinion on climate change is that the Earth's climate
system is unequivocally warming and it is more than 90% certain
that humans are causing it through activities that increase
concentrations of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere”
(100+ references with links)
The Real Data as
Researched by Legitimate Scientists

Climate Change 2007: The Physical Science Basis
The charts to the right show the real forcing effect
resulting from Carbon Dioxide and Methane as shown in the above
IPCC report. The unit of measure is Watts per Sq. Meter. One watt
is about the strength of a small Christmas tree light. It takes
decades for ocean water several miles deep to warm up at this
rate, but the rate is cumulative, and this same lag means that
forcing over the last few decades will be contributing to future
warming for decades into the future.
“Global atmospheric concentrations
of carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide have increased
markedly as a result of human activities since 1750 and now far
exceed pre-industrial values determined from ice cores spanning
many thousands of years (see Figure SPM-1). The global increases
in carbon dioxide concentration are due primarily to fossil fuel
use and land-use change, while those of methane and nitrous
oxide are primarily due to agriculture.
The primary source of the increased atmospheric concentration of
carbon dioxide since the pre-industrial period results from
fossil fuel use, with land use change providing another
significant but smaller contribution.
Warming of the climate system is unequivocal, as is now evident
from observations of increases in global average air and ocean
temperatures, widespread melting of snow and ice, and rising
global average sea level.”
The chart to the right (from the same report) shows
the relative magnitude of the components involved in global
warming. Carbon dioxide is of course dominant. Sulfur dioxide and
condensation nuclei (haze, smoke, etc.) cause increased cloudiness
that partially offsets forcing due to greenhouse gases. There has
been a minor contribution from increased solar radiation, but this
is less than 10% of the man-made components.
For further research about the real data, please see:
NOAA’s Earth System Research Laboratory - Global Monitoring
up to date Mauna Loa CO2 readings)
NASA’s Goddard Institute for Space Studies - Forcings in GISS
Illustrates “Changes in climate "forcings" or factors that have
contributed to climate change since 1750.”
Climate Data Center at NOAA.
Corporation for Atmospheric Research UCAR/NCAR
Scientists are the Bad Guys” - Martin Durkin
And what does Martin Durkin have to say about real scientists?
The following quote is from “
Style Extra, UK News, 'Global Warming Is Lies' Claims
Controversial director Martin
Durkin said: "You can see the problems with the science of
global warming, but people just don't believe you - it's taken
10 years to get this commissioned.
"I think it will go down in history as the first chapter in a
new era of the relationship between scientists and society. Legitimate scientists - people with qualifications -
are the bad guys.
Is Martin Durkin trying to get us to believe that
only movie directors understand science, and legitimate scientists
don’t? Is Martin Durkin actually telling us that the real reason
he made the movie was to promote his personal war against
legitimate scientists? (And collect a few bucks from the “Don’t
bother me with the facts - I’ve already made up my mind.”
Note: Run a Google search using the above phrase for other sources
to confirm that this is what Martin Durkin actually said.
A link to this
web page by MIT’s Professor Carl Wunsch
(The aforementioned scientist who was “swindled” by Martin
1) Go to:
2) Click on: “Discussion of some of the science and other
distortion in the "Swindle" (Bill Butler)”
A link from the
Australian Broadcasting Corporation’s “The Science Show”
1) Go to: (
link )
2) Click on: “Durango Bill's Debunking the Deniers of Global
(Listed under “Further Information”)
(Just before the Comments section)
[Update: It took about ten minutes
for reader Chris Graham to post this link debunking the video "
Great Global Warming Swindle.": Obviously I am
unqualified to judge either the video or the debunking to it,
but the last thing I read always seems the most persuasive.]
Complaint to
The following is a copy of an online complaint that the author has
filed with the UK’s Office of Communications (Ofcom)
From: (Address & Tel. omitted
for this posting)
To: Complaints at the UK’s Office of Communications (Ofcom)
Dear Sirs:
While I am not a citizen of the United Kingdom and
did not see the original “Channel 4” broadcast of “The Great
Global Warming Swindle”, the program has been widely posted on
the Internet via YouTube.com (where I first saw it), Google
Videos, and subsequently via several dozen “pirate” postings.
I understand that there have been multiple formal
complaints filed in regard to the broadcast. I am not familiar
with the specific UK broadcasting regulations that have been
violated, but I would like to file a complaint that the claimed
data and observational assertions made in the program are in
fact false and fictitious. In any scientific investigation you
are allowed to “interpret” real data/observations, but if you
falsify the source data you are willfully misleading other
people into potentially believing these falsified observations.
In turn erroneous governmental/industry policy decisions may be
based on this false data, and public acceptance of these false
observations may lead to decisions that are misguided and
wasteful of taxpayer funds.
I have outlined some of my observations on the
misleading/fraudulent data regarding the “pseudo-documentary” at
a web page titled: “
Great Global Warming Swindle” is itself a Fraud and a
In an effort to try to stop the worldwide
dissemination (via television in other countries, the Internet,
DVD sales, etc.) of what I regard as fraudulent/dishonest
material, I ask that you force Channel 4 (and any other directly
supervised parties) to publicly apologize for presenting the
program and force them to state that the presentation was not
based on factual data.
Bill Butler
with the Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC)
A representative of the ABC contacted me (by E-mail)
before their July 12, 2007 scheduled broadcast of “The Swindle”.
All information/inquiries from them will remain confidential as
per their request, but the following is part of my July 7, 2007
“My opinion.
The Australian Broadcasting
Corporation is doing a major disservice by broadcasting the
film. You are fanning the flames of emotionalism in pursuit of
ratings. There are major questions that should be addressed by
policy makers throughout the world. These would include:
Can anything meaningful be done to mitigate "Global Warming"
(Climate Change)?
If something meaningful can be done, what will it cost? (And you
better have a firm grip on something when you address this
The one sure guarantee regarding the presentation of the movie
is that policy makers will not be able to make rational
decisions. Anything that they might do will instead be based on
emotional opinions of the voters who have elected them. I fear
the eventual outcome will be that a great deal of money will be
wasted on "pseudo-solutions" that will accomplish - nothing.
Bill Butler”
Why did the
Australian Broadcasting Corporation show “The Swindle”?
In any “Ace” detective story, if you want to find
“the culprit”, rule Number One is to either 1) “Follow the money”
or 2) “Follow the politics”. In this case rule number 2) seems
applicable as it seems the United States is not the only country
in the world where “high ranking government officials” declare
themselves to be disciples whose mission is to redefine science.
There have been multiple stories in the Australian
press that the ABC’s Board of Directors forced the movie to be
shown despite the advice of the ABC’s science expert, Robyn
Williams. In turn, the ABC’s Board of Directors is appointed by
the Governor-General. The information shown below about four (a
majority) of the board’s seven directors can be found at (
) (unless otherwise indicated), and provides some insight as to
the politics involved in the board’s decision to show the film.
Maurice Newman (ABC chairperson): “Maurice
Newman is the current Chairperson of the Australian Broadcasting
Corporation, as well as chair of the board of the Australian Stock
Exchange. He is a close personal friend of Australian Prime
Minister John Howard.”
Janet Albrechtsen: “Albrechtsen's political
views are strongly conservative, and she has supported the Howard
government, the foreign policies of the Bush administration, the
war on terror and the invasion of Iraq.”
Ron Brunton: “Brunton's appointment to the
ABC Board by the Australian Government of John Howard created
controversy given his ideological partisanship.[1] However, it
continues that government's attempt to move the ABC culture to a
political position more amenable to its own.”
Keith Windschuttle: (From “
Broadcasting Corporation adopts new “bias” rules” )
“Prominent in the audience was ABC board member Janet Albrechtsen,
a right-wing Murdoch columnist who reportedly initiated the policy
shift. “An awful lot of work has gone into drawing up these
guidelines,” she proudly told reporters. Another extreme
right-wing Howard appointee to the board, Keith Windschuttle, also
praised the guidelines.”
The “Quality” and
“Reliability” of Martin Durkin’s “Research”
As noted earlier, Martin Durkin keeps changing the
content of the movie as one after another of his
misrepresentations are revealed. The picture below (from (
) shows a new graph that was added to the July 12, 2007
Australian version of Martin Durkin’s pseudo-documentary.

See if you can find any
problems with the “quality” and “reliability” of Martin Durkin’s
Hint 1) The attack on Pearl Harbor was
December 7, 1941. (All dates are local time)
Hint 2) Germany surrendered on May 7, 1945.
Hint 3) Japan formally surrendered on
September 2, 1945.
Hint 4) The earliest that the
War Economic Boom” could begin would have to be
sometime after September 2, 1945.
Hint 5) When did the
“Post War
Economic Boom” begin according to Martin Durkin’s
And this is from someone who claims: “Martin Durkin studied
ancient and medieval history at University College London” (
Question: Why is there no reference to a degree?
As for the “ACIA” source cited in the graph, the real
“Arctic Climate Impact Assessment” includes a 140-page report
Impacts of a Warming
Arctic and a much larger 1020-page, “Scientific Report”
Arctic Climate Impact Assessment
book. Both have conclusions that are radically different than
Martin Durkin’s assertions. For example, from page 4 of ACIA’s
Policy Document:
“1. The Arctic climate is now warming rapidly and much larger
changes are projected.”

The picture to the right is from page 35 in ACIA’s “
Climate: Past and Present” report.
It appears to be the source for Durkin’s graph. Once again take a
close look at the right hand portion of the graphs where Durkin
has omitted the warmest year on record (original source uses data
through 2003) as well as the steep rise in the smoothed curve.
(And a “thank you” goes to Wolfgang Wieser for finding this
Stay tuned for future misrepresentations by Martin Durkin. . .
Also please see:
Note: The author (Bill Butler) of this web page is a
magna cum laude, Computer
Science graduate of Brown University. A brief bio can be found at
message # 8
(CSAtrium is a Yahoo group for the “alums of Brown University’s
Computer Science Department and Computer Engineering graduates”.)
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