(This is where Durango Bill lives)
Durango Bill’s
Durango History via Topo Maps
The maps below give historical snapshots of
Durango, CO. The featured areas extend northward to include
Animas City and westward to include the Rafter J subdivision.
Durango, CO was established in 1880 by the Denver
& Rio Grande Railroad. Animas City was founded 4 years
earlier, but the D&RG Railroad created Durango as a base
location for the mining districts after Animas City demanded a
dowry to set up operations in Animas City. The railroad
refused to pay the dowry/ransom, and Animas City was eventually
annexed by Durango in 1948. See http://www.durango.org/press-room/fact-sheets/historic-walking-tour-facts
for more information.
In the last few decades, subdivisions have been
built in suburban areas outside the city limits. The author
lives in the “Rafter J” subdivision WSW of Durango. Thus,
addition information is given about the RJ subdivision. ( See http://rafterjhoa.blogspot.com/p/rafter-j-history.html
for more information on the history of Rafter J.)
Map Sources
Most of the maps below were surveyed and printed by
the U. S. Geological Survey. Free online access and/or full
printed versions of the map segments shown here can be found at
the USGS store at https://store.usgs.gov/b2c_usgs/b2c/start/(xcm=r3standardpitrex_prd)/.do
1898 Map
The first available USGS map of the Durango area was published
in 1898.
(Click on map to see a larger map )
The street system in Durango was laid out by the
Denver and Rio Grande Railroad. Animas City is a separate entity
and is located 2 miles NNE of Durango. The Rio Grande Southern
R. R. was a subsidiary of the D&RG; and it built a narrow
gauge track system to access coal mines (for the smelter), and
the gold and silver mines in the San Juan Mountains further
north. One branch of the RGS R.R. tracks was located in Wildcat
Canyon 3 miles WSW of Durango.
Some 60 years after the map date, U. S. Highway 160
will be built heading west out of Durango. From 2 miles west of
Durango the future highway will leave the old railroad tracks
and turn NW just to the left and below “Twin Buttes”, and then
continue westward next to the winding stream that goes off the
left edge of the map. However, as of 1898, there was only a
primitive wagon road in this area, and it didn’t go very far.
The future Rafter J subdivision will be built in
the lower left corner of the map to the left of the “Rio Grande”
label. There is a small north to south drainage stream shown in
the extreme lower left corner of the map. This is the future
location of Meadow Road (County Rt. 142) which is the main
access route to the Rafter J subdivision.
A small primitive dirt is also visible in the lower
left corner. None of the current roads in the Rafter J
subdivision use this road, but traces of the old road can still
be seen to the north of Spring Road and to the west of Meadow
1907 Map
(Click on map to see a larger map )
By 1907 the Durango Smelter had been built across
the river to the southwest of Durango. Silver and gold ores were
brought down to Durango where they could be refined by the
Coal was needed to refine the ores. Durango was
where the coal was, so that basically defined the optimal
location for the smelter. One of the major coal sources was the
“Boston Coal Mine”. The small community of Perins was built (3
miles WNW of Durango) where the miners could live without having
to commute from Durango. A branch of the railroad was also built
to haul coal to the smelter.
Other coal mines would also be developed in Wildcat
Canyon (3 miles WSW of Durango). While Durango had grown in the
preceding 9 years, Animas City was stagnating, and it would be
another 70 years before anything of consequence would happen in
the future Rafter J subdivision.
1924 Map
(Click on map to see a larger map )
There wasn’t a whole lot of change from the 1907
map to the 1924 map. The smelter was still operating even though
it wasn’t labeled on the map. Animas City still existed, but
hadn’t changed much.
To the WSW of Durango, the small community of
Porter had sprung up to house workers for the Porter and other
coal mines in Wildcat Canyon. Smelter operations were the
lifeblood of the town, and coal was needed to run the smelter.
(See https://www.fortlewis.edu/finding_aids/inventory/PORTERCOLNV.HTML
for addition information on these coal companies.)
Further to the WSW (check the large map) another
small community (Pine Ridge) had sprung up. There is very little
left of the original Pine Ridge, but the upscale Shenandoah
subdivision is just to the west and northwest of the former
community of Pine Ridge.
Similarly, Porter would fold up and disappear after
the Porter Mine ceased operations in 1917. There are remnants of
the old coal operations in Wildcat Canyon, but the former town
site is now just an open field.
The Boston Mine in Perins shut down in 1926.
The iron and steel rails used for the railroad
tracks to the west of Durango are also gone. Any source of scrap
iron and steel was used to make weapons for World War II, and
the old rails were ripe pickings. The roadbeds for the old train
routes are still quite visible – especially in the southwest end
of Wildcat Canyon.
1953 Map
(Click on map to see a larger map )
The 1953 map is a small segment from a larger map
prepared by the Army Map Service, Corps of Engineers. By 1953
coal mining and the smelter were history. (Except for another
coal mine well off the map area that services the tourist
oriented Durango and Silverton Narrow Gauge RR.) Durango was
taking on its modern characteristics as a tourist area.
The road in Wildcat Canyon was paved and
marked as U. S. Highway 160. However the present U. S.
Highway 160 had not been built yet. There was still no
development in the Rafter J subdivision as it was still part of
the Rafter J Open A ranch.
The railroad lines to the west of Durango were
still marked on the map, but they had long since been abandoned.
1963 Maps
(Click on map to see a larger map )
The map above shows the area to the east of Durango.
(Click on map to see a larger map )
The map above shows the area to the west of Durango.
The 1963 maps are presented in 2 sections since the
USGS printed more detailed maps, and the dividing line for the
maps ran right through Durango. The major new addition was the
construction of the modern U. S. Route 160 to the west of town.
What is now the Rafter J Subdivision is
showing its first signs of activity. The subdivision is on the
ridges to the left of the Wildcat Canyon Road (near the bottom
edge in the west Durango map). As of 1963 the subdivision area
was still part of the Rafter J Open A ranch, but the owners of
the ranch were beginning to sell off pieces of the ranch.
On the map there is a primitive dirt road that
enters from the bottom edge near the left corner. This will
become Meadow Road. (County Road 142). Another primitive dirt
road branches off to the right of “Meadow Road” and
continues along the top of the ridge. This will become “Ridge Road”. Finally, another
primitive dirt road branches to the right off of “Ridge Road”
and continues to near the bottom edge. This will become Saw Mill
1983 Map
(Click on map to see a larger map )
The final map shown above was printed in 1983.
(Note that elevations on the map are given in meters above sea
The Rafter J Subdivision is now in business. Ridge,
Saw Mill, Pinon, and Gulch Roads should be recognizable by local
residents. Of note, the map shows a connection between Pinon and
Gulch Roads. That connection has since been abandoned, but
traces of the old road remain.
2015 Google Earth
(Click on map to see a larger picture )
The picture above is a 2015 Google Earth view with
Durango to the right of center, the old Animas City location
near the upper right corner, and the Rafter J subdivision in the
lower left quadrant.
2015 Aerial view
from the Rafter J Subdivision
(Click on image to see a larger photograph)
The photo above was taken on May 27, 2015 from an
elevation of some 250 feet above Saw Mill Road in the Rafter J
Subdivision, and looks NNW toward the La Plata Mtns. The
author’s home is in the lower left corner.
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